The “climate doom” timeline
Have you ever wanted a nice, compact image you could share on social media whenever you need to put some eco-worrier in his/her/its place?
Well, one showed up in my social media timeline this morning, and it is worth sharing.
For those who missed it, let's recap
1966 - Oil gone in Ten Years.
1967 - Dire Famine Forecast by 1975
1968 - Overpopulation Will spread Worldwide
1969 - Everybody will Disappear in A Cloud of Blue Steam by 1989
1970 - World will use up All its Natural Resources by 2000
1970 - Urban Citizens will Require gas masks by 1985
1970 - Nitrogen buildup will make all Land Unusable
1970 - Decaying Pollution will kill all Fish
1970 - Killer Bees
1970 - Ice Age by 2000 !
1970 - Water Rationing by 1974 by 1980 - Food Rationing !
1971 - New Ice Age by 2020 or...2030 !!
1971 - New Ice Age by 2070 !!!! WOW !
1972 - Oil depleted in 20 years !
1974 - Space Satellites show new Ice Age coming fast.!!!
1974 - Another Ice Age ?
1974 - Ozone Depletion a " a Great peril to Life" !
1976 - Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling Famine Imminent
1977 - Department of Energy says OIL will peak in the 90s
1978 - No End in sight to 30 year cooling Trend
1980 - Acid Rain kills life in lakes.
1980 - Peak Oil in 2010
1988 - Regional Draughts ( tht never happened)in 1990s
1988 - Temperatures in DC will hit record heights
1988 - Maldives Islands will be Under Water by 2018
1989 - Raising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if nothing done
1989 - NYC West Hwy under water by 2019
1996 - Peak Oil in 2010
2000 - Children won't know what Snow is..!!!
2002 - Famine in Ten Years if we don't give up eating Fish,Meat &Dairy
2002 - Peak Oil in 2020
2004 - Britain would be Siberia by 2024
2005 - Manhattan under Water by 2015...
2006 - Super Hurricanes
2008 - The Arctic will be Free of Ice by 2018
2008 - Climate Genius Al Gore predicts Ice -Free Artic in 2013
2009 - Climate Genius Prince Charles says we have 96 months to save th world
2009 - UK PM says 50 days to save the Planet.
2009 - Climate Genius Al Gore moves the 2013 to 2014 prediction
2013 - Arctic will be Ice Free by 2015
2014 - Only 500 days before Climate Chaos...!!
2019 - HEY ! Greta we need you to convince them it's really going to happen
this time !!!!!!

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