
Sunday, September 22, 2019

Climate change activists have become even more radical and hysterical

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Climate Change Extremists Need To Chill Out

By  —— Bio and Archives--September 22, 2019
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On Friday, activists from around the world mobilized for a Global Climate Justice Strike. The goal of the worldwide protests was to demand action on climate change. The organizers are upset that world leaders are not doing enough to combat what they believe is the most serious problem facing humanity. 
Ironically, despite the hysteria, there is not scientific consensus that man-made climate change is even real, Numerous studies, such as the research conducted by S. Fred Singer, show that the theory that climate change is man-made is “in dispute.”

Of course, the facts did not interfere with the protesters participating in the Global Climate Justice Strike

Of course, the facts did not interfere with the protesters participating in the Global Climate Justice Strike. On Friday, demonstrations were held in multiple countries drawing massive crowds. In New York City, over one million school children were given official permission to skip classes to attend climate change protests.
In Pittsburgh, liberal Mayor Bill Peduto offered to sign permission slips for any students who wanted to skip class to attend the protests. At the very least, it was improper and unethical for the Mayor to offer to supersede the wishes of the parents who did not want their children participating in the event. The Pittsburgh Public School district gave permission for students to attend, but only if they received signed consent from their parents, not the Mayor.
Peduto is typical of liberal Democrats who strongly believe that unless massive actions are taken climate change will deliver worldwide catastrophe. The Global Climate Justice Strike was just the latest effort by climate change activists to ramp up interest in their pet project. Despite a constant drumbeat of warnings from educators, Hollywood stars and members of the media, a recent poll found that Americans viewed climate change as only the 15th most important issue facing the nation.
While most Americans are not spending sleepless nights worrying about climate change, it is a major topic among Democratic presidential candidates. There is universal support for drastic action to combat climate change. Even supposed centrist and frontrunner former Vice President Joe Biden promised to end fossil fuel production. Many of the presidential candidates have endorsed the impractical and outrageously expensive $93 trillion “Green New Deal.”

Climate change activists have become even more radical and hysterical

Fortunately, President Trump has not only opposed these unwise actions, but he has also moved the country in a very sensible and pro-business direction. For example, the President removed the United States from the unfair and unbalanced Paris Climate Agreement. He has revitalized the coal industry and is committed to sensible environmental regulations.
In areas such as oil and gas drilling and air pollution and emissions, the Trump administration has reversed or reduced 85 environmental rules. Obviously, the President wants a clean environment, but he also realizes that businesses must have the ability to function without the undue burden of government regulations.
While the President’s policies have clearly worked, the climate change activists have ignored his stunning successes and become even more radical and hysterical. U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) recently touted the strong possibility of “Miami not existing in a few years” if drastic action was not undertaken. According to the Congresswoman, “what is not realistic is not responding to the crisis.” This is the same genius environmental activist who stated that “the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.”   

Climate change hoax will, no doubt, prove to be one of the greatest swindles in scientific and political history. This is a global power grab on a massive scale

50 Years of Climate Deception

Fifty years is optimistic at best. The deception began probably in the early 20th century when refugees from the Frankfurt School in Germany, a Communist think tank, began pouring into our country and academic institutions. But, I use the late 60s, early 70s, as the genesis of the takeover of the Democrat Party.
Liberals and Socialist wannabees decided early that we needed to scare people into Communism. A sort of Better Red Than Dead approach. What better way to alarm people into giving up their rights, money, and freedom than to tell them they are all going to die unless we put our survival into their hands…yada, yada, yada.

Sun’s radiation patterns are responsible for temperature change, not CO2 levels

First it was Global Cooling in the seventies, “a new Ice Age.” Then it was Global Warming. Now, because they gave up having any real knowledge on the subject, it’s Climate Change or, to say it with more conviction, Climate Disruption.
Is the climate changing? Of course, the climate is always changing. But please, don’t say it too loud. A voter might hear it.
Antarctica was not always an ice sheet. In a number of periods in its distant past it had a moderate and temperate climate, and was covered in forests -National Geographic. 
If that isn’t climate change, I don’t know what is. We learned in history, at least some of us did, that George Washington’s men suffered terribly during the winter at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. That’s because during the years between 1300 and 1850 we had a mini ice age. The period between 1940 and 1975 saw the ‘Little Cooling.’ When that was over a moderate warming developed. This warming has turned into a war cry. What the Al Gores out there do not understand is that this is by no means the first warming of the planet. Millennia ago temperatures had been higher than they are today. Who or what should we blame for all this continuous climate change?
To Al Gore’s disappointment, many scientists, including Gore’s climate ally, Professor James Hansen, have recently conceded that the sun’s radiation patterns are responsible for temperature change, not CO2 levels. Nevertheless, the climate bandwagon rolls on. Al Gore and others rake in the cash, still maintaining that cow farts, airplanes (except private jets), automobiles and modern civilization in general need to be eliminated.

The fiddling of temperature data is one of the greatest scandals in scientific history

The fiddling of temperature data is one of the greatest scandals in scientific history. One such example: three weather stations in Paraguay were checked for their temperature recordings. In each case, the original readings of 60 years of data had been reversed from lower to higher. Thus, a cooling trend was now showing a warming trend. This is one of many examples that raises doubt on all official surface temperature records. (Telegraph, 2/7/2015)

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