
Monday, December 30, 2019

ISIS was deliberately armed and funded by Obama & Hillary Clinton

DIA Emails: ISIS was deliberately armed and funded by Obama & Hillary ClintonThe terrorist threat has been deliberately manufactured and exacerbated by:

Invading Iraq and the resultant highly predictable sectarian civil war, that was deliberately encouraged by US actions following the overthrow of SaddamUsing Islamic Extremists to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya and turning Libya into a failed State      

Attempting to overthrow Assad with Al-Qaeda and ISIS etc. and turning Syria into a failed State

Recently released Defense Intelligence Agency emails from August 2012 reveal that the Obama admin knowingly armed, trained and funded Al-Qaeda and ISIS and expected a Caliphate to be set up in Eastern Syria.

They also show that the planned attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi was widely known about within the US government 10 days before the attack occurred and that all the stories about the attack being caused by a video were deliberate lies:-

Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS As A "Tool" To Overthrow Syria's President Assad.

Hillary knew that she was arming and training Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria from the very beginning recently released Defense Intelligence Agency emails from August 2012 reveal.She was also warned that the Islamic Extremists were likely to become so strong that they would declare a Caliphate in Syria and Iraq - exactly as happened 2 years later.

U.S. Intel: Obama Coalition Supported Islamic State in Syria

2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State “in order to isolate the Syrian regime” 

The Covert Origins of ISIS

Canadian military (correctly) predicted Libya would descend into prolonged civil war if foreign countries helped overthrow Gaddafi

It is now more evident than ever before that Qatar is playing a vital role in stoking up the chaos which is tearing Syria apart. 

 Informed sources have recently exposed that in the heart of Doha stand centers for training assassins of different nationalities who are dispatched to Syria to fight against the government of Bashar al-Assad. These would-be assassins are subjected to heavy military training as well as Wahhabi teachings. 

In point of fact, Qatari elements have ratcheted up their activities in several countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Chechnya and embarked on an intensive recruitment of ready-to-combat warriors. Recruitment is conducted covertly by front organizations working under the banner of job centers for foreign workers.  The truth is that Qatar State Security eyes impoverished countries as good markets for death warriors. To the Qataris, Wahhabi teachings are first priority. After recruitment, these people are transferred to training centers in Doha on a weekly basis and subjected to military training and ideological indoctrination under the supervision of Qatari Special Forces. 

Established in June 2004 through a merger of the former General Intelligence Service (mukhabarat) and the Investigation and State Security Service (mubahith), Qatar State Security is tasked with supervision of these centers and works in close cooperation with officers who used to be part of Saddam Hussein’s Baath army. 

The trained warriors are then infiltrated into the Syrian soil through Libya, Turkey and Jordan. 

Between January 3, 2012 and April 2013, Qatari military planes have carried out 90 flights to Libya, Turkey and Jordan and transferred the trained death warriors to Syria through these countries. Read more: 

The Patriot Act never had anything to do with "counter terrorism" - it is useless for that and hasn't stopped a single terror plot. The Patriot Act was always about building a Surveillance Dossier on everyone for Domestic Political Control.The USA Freedom Act legalizes Mass Data Collection in ways the Patriot Act couldn't do

The purposes of manufacturing/exacerbating the terrorism threat are to:Enable draconian Police State laws to be passed for domestic political controlCreate wars and conflicts  

"Justify" massive war and military budgets.

Increase global arms sales as the direct result of the deliberately created increase in global tensions, thus increasing arms company profits.Increase Surveillance budgets, thus increasing the profits of domestic "security" companies like the Chertoff Group and Booz Allen Hamilton (where Snowden worked).Edit 06/18Media Blacks Out Pentagon Report Exposing U.S. Role In ISIS Creation

It's not exactly a surprise that the entire mainstream media is covering up the activities of the US government. That is their main function.Some people might find it surprising that, for example, Fox News would pass up a major opportunity to dish some major dirt on Hillary Clinton and wreck her Presidential ambitions by providing wall to wall coverage of the DIA email revelations (or to similarly destroy Obama).Other more seasoned watchers of mainstream media will not be surprised at all that Fox helped cover it up.Update 08/08Ex Intelligence Agency Chief, General Michael Flynn, stresses that it was a conscious decision to support Islamic Terrorists in Syria in 2012, expecting this to result in an Islamic Caliphate being set up

Michael Flynn was head of the DIA until mid 2014.

Former US Intelligence Chief Admits Obama Took “Willful Decision” to Support ISIS Rise

Pentagon Report Reveals US Created ISIS
Further Reading and References

Syria: Death Squads Receiving Training in Joint US/Qatar Operation Since Before January 2012 

ISIS Terrorists: 

The US Creates them, Turkey Trains them, Qatar Finances them

Brzezinski's Wrecking of Afghanistan & the US Engineered Syria Uprising Using Islamic Extremists

Using Islamic Extremists For Regime Change Is US Policy, Not An Accident

Climbing into Bed with Al-QaedaIn late 2013, Saudi Arabia went on a buying spree, purchasing more than 15,000 Raytheon anti-tank missiles at a total cost of more than $1 billion. The purchase raised eyebrows since TOW’s are mainly useful against tanks and other armored vehicles, a threat that the Saudis have not had to face since the fall of Saddam Hussein.But now it all seems clear. Up in arms over supposed Shi‘ite advances in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, the arch-Sunnis of Riyadh purchased the missiles with the intention of transferring them to the Syrian Salafists in the hopes of reversing the Shi‘ite tide.

December 2013: US Supported Death Squads (Al-Nusra) Massacre Syrian CiviliansThe UN (Ban Ki Moon) is helping to cover it up 

Irish Mercenaries Training Syrian Death Squads 

Posted 1st June by Ian Shilling

Pentagon Report Reveals US Created ISIS 

With open gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations  A wake up call to an Islamic insurgency in Europe?

The Demagoguery has a synonym : Obama.


The Demagoguery has a synonym : Obama.

 In his eloquent speech,  He must have rehearsed a lot for that speech delivery and some one else wrote most of it. Yet , he does not give nothing substantial but promises, and  plays a lot with the hopes of the people in general, it all resembles much to the speeches during the past elections of  2008.     It is always easy to promote  ideas, hopes promises. And that relates most of the time to demagoguery . Exemples are abundant in  recent History.
  In many nations of the world  some leaders did play that kind of game, demagoguery and   promised lots of good  things to the people. At the end of it all , like Hitler's Germany it all  finished by destruction , chaos and suffering for millions and more millions of people.  Many of those who are inspired by the socialists and the leftists ideas --which are enemy of Freedom and Democracy -- as it has been seen everywhere they got to power, will associate themselves to this Mr. Obama ,but not for what he says or makes believe  he is or wish, but because  Obama plays into their own game or agenda by presenting himself as a socialist. No a single  of the socialist in History has ever shown to be sincere and honest to the principles they claim to defend. Yet they have used that philosophy for personal advancement and profit of the means to revenge from the rich, the bourgeois or the the whole  society as it was the case of Pot Pol...or that woman who said once : I have never felt proud of this country...!  If you dear readers do not believe me...ask the Eastern Europeans about it...or any cuban who fled Castro's gulag what it means to be under the stranglehold of repressive dictators  claiming they are socialists...! Yet in the recent  manifestations in favor of Obama, people could be seen with Castro's face or Che's  on T-shirts... Two or three generations before it might have been those images of Stalin, or Mao...and this...says it all.!!!
Obama is taking  also credit for things that  were started before his presidency and obviating on the facts that  the wars were approved by all the Congress plus most of the american people at the moments of the  September 11th's events.That the killing of Osama Bin Laden was a long process of tracking and  hunting Osama Bin  Laden, long before he even dreamt off to be the president. These are just two of the many examples of the lies he had told in this last speech. On the crucial situation created by the  Financial Crisis, he is also twisting the facts and lies about his performance in these two past  years. There is nothing  that was really achieved except for creating the hugest debt in history of the United States of America  that places the    nation in a critical situation financially and politically speaking. yet he is still proposing more debt to cope with the rest of the crisis and the menace of another deep recession.
He also lied about the jobs creations...americans have heard him, have seen and felt it all along these last two years, yet this guy has had the nerve to say that under his admin. he has created  hundreds of thousands of new jobs, all of which is a lie.The rate of unemployment instead of diminishing has grown up or increased slightly among this very same year.What to say of demagogues like this ? That american should vote for him and his comrades ?Only enraged resentful and jealous persons of the successes of other can feel they crave to vote for a fake and demagogue like Mr. Obama.
America does not need vague illusions of hopes, America needs to recover  from the troubling days  she is going through and for the last few years with the pragmatical and common sense that has been the essence and spirit of the people since its foundation.



DHIMINITUDE What does this word Dhimmitude means ?  


DHIMINITUDEThe dictionary says that dhimmi is a historical term used to describe a "non-Muslim under protection of Muslim law," which could include Jews, Christians or Hindus. Adult male dhimmis were required to pay taxes and follow regulations on dress, occupation and residence. In return, dhimmis received "security of life and property, defense against enemies, communal self-government, and freedom of religion practice." The dictionary notes that dhimmi status has lost relevance in the present day because of the rise of nation-states and modern legal codes.Some call "‘dhimmitude" the condition of non-Muslims being subject to Muslim rule, but the word seems to be a recent coinage of academics and commentators


I had never heard the word until now, so I typed it into Google and started reading.

ANOTHER WORD PEOPLE SHOULD LEAR ABOUT IS : TAQIYA                                  Taqiyya - Wikipedia › wiki › TaqiyyaIn Islam, Taqiya or Taqiyya is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution. A related term is, Kitmān (lit.‎Etymology and related terms · ‎Quranic basis · ‎Shia Islam view · ‎Sunni Islam view 

In IslamTaqiya or Taqiyya (Arabicتقیة‎ taqiyyah, literally "prudence, fear")[1][2] is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution.[1][3][4][5]A related term is, Kitmān (lit. "action of covering, dissimulation"), which has a more specific meaning of dissimulation by silence or omission.[6][7]



What does this word Dhimmitude mean?
DHIMINITUDE I had never heard the word until now, so I typed it into Google and started reading.

Organización de los Estados Americanos

 Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) Mensaje del Secretario General sobre Cuba
Mensaje del Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), Luis Almagro:

Aqui exponemos las razones principales por las que no debe haber más dictadura en CUBA.

El Secretario General Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), Luis Almagro, aseguró en el marco del acto del Acuerdo por la democracia en Cuba, realizado en Miami, que tienen una deuda "enorme" con el pueblo cubano para liberarlos de la "dictadura de los castros". Señaló que empezará a luchar contra la dictadura en Cuba para erradicar los demás regímenes del continente.

Un Monde Pleins des Cyniques

16 NOV 2012
Nothing  good for the people ,for the nation comes from the fake news biased medias because of their unfairness and hypocrisy. Since the late 80s I already felt the bias and the hypocrisy of  many journalists. Many yrs ago I wrote this ,though it is in French :                                                           
                           Un Monde Pleins des Cyniques 

16 NOV 2012
Il se sont écoulées quasiment 54 années depuis 1959 quand un maître de la démagogie prenait le pouvoir à Cuba.Pendant toutes ces années ses fausses promesses, ses mensonges sans bornes envahissant et parvenaient a faire le monde croire que sa révolution était vrai et pour le peuple cubain.
Mais le cynisme ,l`hypocrisie des ses complices dans les mass medias ont fait en sorte que toutes ces mensonges, tousses crimes, abuses, violations de Droits Humains ne soient jamais publiés mais plutôt gardés en sourdine tels des complices qui croient plus aux bourreaux qu'aux victimes.
Mais encore plus d'un demi siècle plus tard la collusion ou la complicité persistent, elle très évident d`ailleurs et la majorité des journalistes de par le monde continue cette complicité inmoral et insensible que fait la`apologie d`une dictature sous laquelle des dizaines de milliers des individus ont été exécutés dans les années entre 1959 et 1970 et tous sans des vraies procès de Justice.
Beaucoup , la plupart étaient exécutés sommairement, sans même pas des procès. C`est des actes criminelles comme ceux la que nous reprochons aux mass medias, aux journalists en général ,
de ne pas reporter, de ne pas nous croire, tandis que ils croient plus aux bourreaux qu'aux victimes. A meme faire leur apologie.
Ils croient plus dans la propagande mensongère du regime des Castros qu'aux temoignage des victimes et les ex-prisonniers ou familles des exécutés.
L'inmoralite est encore plus crachant en face des ces membres de la Presse internationale quand des centaines des milliers des cubains quittent leur propre pays par n'importe quel moyens, dont les boat people cubains et meurent par des centaines a chaque années dans les mers autour de  l' île de Cuba.
Ou encore ils ne voient pas ou bien ignorent le fait que avant 1959 à Cuba il n`y avaient pas des camps de travaux o concentration et des prisons dans un tel nombre que aujourd'hui .Elles ne dépassaient pas la vingtaine alors qu'aujourd'hui elles sont partout au pays plus de 260. Mais le cas ici ne c`est pas leur nombre,sinon les causes par lesquelles elles en sont remplies. La ou on peut voir plein les yeux les milliers des injustices, des violations des Droits de la Personnes et Humains.

Là ou ces journalistes ne se sont jamais ou presque données la peine d'investiguer et n'ont pas eu le courage ,ni le désire de investiguer,d'être justes envers les victimes et vraiment impartiaux ou sans bias d'aucun type.
En face des ces faits - ils , - tous les mass medias et ses membres, ne peuvent plus continuer a ignorer cet interminable drame ou tragédie du peuple cubain.

Alors que partout au Moyen Orient, loin de Cuba, même des groupes syriens se solidarisent avec les dissidents et opposants au régime des Castros, les journalistes de un peu partout persistent ou continuant a faire l'apologie, a défendre les mensonges du régime que dure plus d'un demi siècle et dont son bilan est plus que dérisoire, tragiquement miserable.

Et où nous voyons son Économie depends de l`aide financière et humanitaire après 54 années au pouvoir plutôt qu'avoir un pays prospère et independent .
Et tout cela malgré les 30 années de aide Soviétique a coups de milliards par année.
C`est l'heure de regarder vraiment en profondeur la vérité , les réalités cubaines, et de croire aux victimes et non pas aux bourreaux qu'ont fait sombrer a Cuba dans une telle misère, dont la répression fait -- a chaque jour -- des victimes et nous rappelle que nous sommes devant un sanglante tyrannie et non pas un régime pour le peuple.
C`est l`heure d'aller vers les témoins victimes de cette tyrannie,de croire et d'investiguer leurs accusations , leurs plaintes contre la mafia qui'a séquestré des biens et leur sovereignité et libertés.
                                                16 NOV 2012

La élite habanera y los refugiados franceses

Sunday, December 29, 2019


La Mantra de los hipocritas en las izquierdas es que desean un mundo mejor y que para eso todos tenemos  que ser todos IGUALES ..SIC !!! 

Piensen ...!  o VEAN ESTE EJEMPLO  : 

En una escuela hay 500 estudiantes. pero ...EN LOS EXAMENES PUEDE ALGUIEN AFIRMAR QUE LOS 500 ESTUDIANTES VAN A CONSEGUIR todos/as  el 100 % de los puntos en cada examen ?

Pues NO ! asi que no todos somos iguales ...y no solo por el nivel de Inteligencia, sino en todos los aspectos.

SIEMPRE LA HUMANIDAD, ha tenido clases sociales. Los que hayan estudiado Historia , lo saben muy bien. Desde los tiempos del Imperio Egipcio, Romanao,Persa etc. hubo siempre  los ricos o nobles  y los plebeyos  o pobres..y aun hasta esclavos...!

El problema es que los sere humanos venimos al mundo con varios sentidos o sentimientos que son innatos. El amor, el Odio, el Miedo, la Ambicion .Todos tenemos algun Deseo o Ambicion.Muchos de esos Deseos surgen debido a las necesidades y a las dificultades con que como seres vivos  o humanos enfrentamos desde  los tiempos Pre-Historicos. Un ejemplito : Cuando hacia frio el Homo Sapiens de las cavernas -- de alguna forma --  aprendio que el FUEGO lo podia calentar y en ese proceso tambien aprendio a "cocinar". Asi vemos que  desde entonces hubo pueblos o sociedades que avanzaron mas rapido que otras y que aun HOY dia hay grupos humanos viviendo casi en la edad de Piedra. Entonces como es eso de que todos somos iguales ? Hay una diferencia en la sintaxis aqui : No somos todos iguales, pero si deseamos, con justicia que todos seamos tratados  de la misma manera, igualmente.! Lo que no es  obice, o no quita para que hayan diferencias de todos los tipos, tanto sociales como economcias y demas.

LA INMENSA MAYORIA de las personas creen 

Pero los que ya somos viejos en este mundo, sabemos que por mas dinero que se obtenga o se acumule , la Felicidad nunca llega en la mayor parte de los casos. Tanto la Salud como la Felicidad no se pueden comprar. Ninguna pasion, ningun sentimiento o condicion abstracta o inmaterial se puede comprar. Es muy parecido a la inteligencia, no se pueden comprar. A traves de anios he oido o leido decir de personas como el Aga Khan de Iran que se decia $35,mil millones de dolares,y murio de cancer con mas de veinte medicos especialistas a su alrededor. 

En familias ricas se ven casos de total infelicidad, hijos que no son felices porque jamas sienten el calor, el amor de sus padres que siempre estan bien ocupados en negocios o bien de viaje de negocios etc.
 Les falta el amor aunque esten rodeados de sirvientes, lujos, alimentos en abundancia , de todo lo material en abundancia, pero no tienen el sentimiento de que sus padres les aman... Asi la Felicidad jamas es completa, sino que siempre esta en una copa donde hay --sin falta -- una gotita de amargura...! 
Para ser FELIZ hacen falta : el balance o equilibrio emocional, el balance espiritual, el balance mental y buena salud para disfrutarlo todo con mucho optimismo, para poder estar EN SINTONIA CON EL TODOPODEROSO ! y ya despues de eso todo , habra algo de Felicidad , que va y viene y nunca es permanente. 
Armonia y sintonia con el Dios Supremo Creador y lo demas llega solo.

How Jim saved his family

@swaffarcongress HELP PATRIOT DARLENE SWAFFAR FLIP FLORIDA DISTRICT 22 🇺🇲 Darlene Swaffar for Congress, #22 FL @swaffarcongress...