
Monday, December 30, 2019

The Demagoguery has a synonym : Obama.


The Demagoguery has a synonym : Obama.

 In his eloquent speech,  He must have rehearsed a lot for that speech delivery and some one else wrote most of it. Yet , he does not give nothing substantial but promises, and  plays a lot with the hopes of the people in general, it all resembles much to the speeches during the past elections of  2008.     It is always easy to promote  ideas, hopes promises. And that relates most of the time to demagoguery . Exemples are abundant in  recent History.
  In many nations of the world  some leaders did play that kind of game, demagoguery and   promised lots of good  things to the people. At the end of it all , like Hitler's Germany it all  finished by destruction , chaos and suffering for millions and more millions of people.  Many of those who are inspired by the socialists and the leftists ideas --which are enemy of Freedom and Democracy -- as it has been seen everywhere they got to power, will associate themselves to this Mr. Obama ,but not for what he says or makes believe  he is or wish, but because  Obama plays into their own game or agenda by presenting himself as a socialist. No a single  of the socialist in History has ever shown to be sincere and honest to the principles they claim to defend. Yet they have used that philosophy for personal advancement and profit of the means to revenge from the rich, the bourgeois or the the whole  society as it was the case of Pot Pol...or that woman who said once : I have never felt proud of this country...!  If you dear readers do not believe me...ask the Eastern Europeans about it...or any cuban who fled Castro's gulag what it means to be under the stranglehold of repressive dictators  claiming they are socialists...! Yet in the recent  manifestations in favor of Obama, people could be seen with Castro's face or Che's  on T-shirts... Two or three generations before it might have been those images of Stalin, or Mao...and this...says it all.!!!
Obama is taking  also credit for things that  were started before his presidency and obviating on the facts that  the wars were approved by all the Congress plus most of the american people at the moments of the  September 11th's events.That the killing of Osama Bin Laden was a long process of tracking and  hunting Osama Bin  Laden, long before he even dreamt off to be the president. These are just two of the many examples of the lies he had told in this last speech. On the crucial situation created by the  Financial Crisis, he is also twisting the facts and lies about his performance in these two past  years. There is nothing  that was really achieved except for creating the hugest debt in history of the United States of America  that places the    nation in a critical situation financially and politically speaking. yet he is still proposing more debt to cope with the rest of the crisis and the menace of another deep recession.
He also lied about the jobs creations...americans have heard him, have seen and felt it all along these last two years, yet this guy has had the nerve to say that under his admin. he has created  hundreds of thousands of new jobs, all of which is a lie.The rate of unemployment instead of diminishing has grown up or increased slightly among this very same year.What to say of demagogues like this ? That american should vote for him and his comrades ?Only enraged resentful and jealous persons of the successes of other can feel they crave to vote for a fake and demagogue like Mr. Obama.
America does not need vague illusions of hopes, America needs to recover  from the troubling days  she is going through and for the last few years with the pragmatical and common sense that has been the essence and spirit of the people since its foundation.


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