
Friday, January 17, 2020


                                JUSTICE TAKE NO SIDES 

In the impeachment hoax, Democrats are illegally using taxpayer funds to manipulate the 2020 election. We are watching a Democrat Party campaign event set in the U.S. Capitol. This is the best version of a Trump rally Democrats can manage.
 •  2020-01-16  •  Jonathon Moseley
Why Elizabeth Warren is Calling Bernie Sanders a Sexist
Why Elizabeth Warren is Calling Bernie Sanders a Sexist
I didn’t have to watch the final Democrat Party Debate to determine it was going to be a joke. As expected, the Democrats, desperate for a champion who can beat Trump, are attacking each other. At one point, during a sort-of off-mic moment, Elizabeth Warren approached Bernie Sanders and accused him of calling her a liar.
Warren: I think you called me a liar on National TV.
Sanders: What?
Warren: I think you called me a liar on National TV.
Sanders: Let’s not do it right now. You want to have that discussion, we’ll have that discussion.
Warren: Anytime.
Sanders: You called me a liar, you told me—Alright, let’s not do it now.
 •  2020-01-16  •  Douglas V. Gibbs
MY REMARKS: ( BY SPEECH FREEDOM ) : Well we all know, this include even the fanatics pro democrats or leftists ,they also know it but do not care and even love it, that the fake news be partialized ,biased, unfair and DESPICABLY HEINOUS in the treatment they accord to the President  Trump.
Mass media will not fairly report Trump Impeachment Trial
Mass media will not fairly report Trump Impeachment TrialSpeaker Pelosi’s decision to finally transmit the Trump impeachment papers to the Senate seems set to see highly-biased reporting by the mass media of Trump’s trial.
 •  2020-01-16  •  David Singer
Warren Asked Obama to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg
Warren Asked Obama to Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg
Radical U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, who could be the next Commander-in-Chief, asked then-President Barack Obama in his final days in office to formally exonerate Soviet atomic spy Ethel Rosenberg, according to media reports.
 •  2020-01-16  •  Matthew Vadum

Xenobots Bricks are Coming
Xenobots Bricks are Coming
As the Independent reports, “Scientists have created what they claim are the first ever “living robots”: entirely new life-forms created out of living cells.”
“It is the first time that humanity has been able to create “completely biological machines from the ground up”, the team of authors behind the discovery write in a new paper.”
 •  2020-01-16  •  Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser
Was Pelosi Sitting On Impeachment Articles Due to Commemorative Pens Being on Back Order?
Caricatures by Dag Barkley
Coup Klutz Clan, Impeachment
Artificial Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tried to attach glitz and glamor to the most repugnant political act in all of American history yesterday.
Imagine Pelosi handing out commemorative pens—with her name on them—after signing a resolution to transmit two articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Senate for trial!
Gall never had it so good!
 •  2020-01-16  •  Judi McLeod
MY REMARKS: ( BY SPEECH FREEDOM ) : Do they really know anything about theri ranting claims for Social Justice or they have just become the parrots of their teachers,professors and the fake news biased medias ?
Discussion with Social Justice Millennials
Discussion with Social Justice Millennials
In a 1958 interview with Mike Wallace, Aldous Leonard Huxley, British writer and philosopher, discussed the power of technology, drugs, and propaganda as formidable methods of indoctrination. He talked about Hitler who used the press and radio very effectively to brainwash an entire nation to accept the evil that followed. He explained to Wallace:
 •  2020-01-16  •  Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
Democrats hold a wake without a body.
They think it will win them the 2020 Election
Socialist/Communist revolution in America
The delirious Democrats are going down in flames, even before they take on Trump in the US Election later this year.
Did you see the vitriol between Warren and Sanders go out live at the end of the televised January Democratic Presidential Debate?
Warren to Sanders. “I think you called me a liar on National TV?”
Sanders: “Let’s not do it right now… You called me a liar. Let’s do it right now.”
 •  2020-01-16  •  Barry Shaw
Nancy Pelosi’s “Forever” Impeachment

Lives in NeverLand
Nancy Pelosi’s Forever Impeachment  Lives in NeverLandWhen Queen of the Democrats Nancy Pelosi gets too old to dream, she’ll always have President Donald Trump to remember.
And that, along with stomach-churning, cringeworthy videos like the one embedded here, is all prayerful Pelosi will have to sustain her.
In her bound to be soon to come dotage, will the now 79-year-old Pelosi play and replay over and over the video where she boldly proclaims that: “President Donald Trump will be impeached forever”?
 •  2020-01-16  •  Judi McLeod
President Protects Religious Freedom in Social Services
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On this Religious Freedom Day, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is proposing a rule that implements President Trump’s executive order that removes current regulatory burdens on religious organizations and ensures that religious and non-religious organizations are treated equally in HHS-supported programs. This rule protects HHS-supported religious social service providers from discrimination in federal regulations and it guides all federal administrative agencies and executive departments in compliance with federal law.
 •  2020-01-16  •  Liberty Counsel
Trump Administration Protects School Prayer
Trump Administration Protects School Prayer
WASHINGTON, D.C. —The U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Education announced a proposed rule that will provide guidance on legal protections for prayer and other religious expression in public schools. The purpose of this updated guidance is to provide information on the current state of the law and to clarify the extent to which prayer in public schools is legally protected.
 •  2020-01-16  •  Liberty Counsel
The Cannabis Industry's Dirty Energy Secret
The Cannabis Industry's Dirty Energy Secret
Your average marijuana plant is a rather unimposing, forest green weed that blends well with nature. The dirty truth, however, is that the business of growing cannabis is anything but green. In fact, the growing of pot is so power-intensive that its ecological footprint is quickly becoming an environmental nightmare.
The $344 billion cannabis industry is one of the country’s most energy-intensive in the world, frequently demanding an array of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, fans and 24-hour indoor lighting rigs at multiple growing sites.
 •  2020-01-16  •
Canada’s combined federal-provincial debt will reach $1.5 trillion in 2019/20, Ontario debt highest among provinces
The Growing Debt Burden for Canadians
TORONTO—Since 2007/08, the year before the last recession, combined federal and provincial debt has grown from $837.0 billion to a projected $1.5 trillion in 2019/20, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank.
“Government debt—federally and in every province—has grown over the past 12 years, creating serious fiscal challenges for Ottawa and many provincial governments,” said Jake Fuss, economist at the Fraser Institute and co-author of The Growing Debt Burden for Canadians.
 •  2020-01-16  •  Fraser Institute
Canada Free Press Daily Mailout

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Artículo de José Marti escrito en 1887

Artículo de José Marti escrito en 1887, que seguramente si lo hubiera escrito en la actualidad llevaría incluído la justa petición de "Abolición de Ley de ajuste cubano"......

Por José Martí.
Nos trajo aquí la guerra y aquí nos mantiene el aborrecimiento a la tiranía, tan arraigado en nosotros, tan esencial a nuestra naturaleza, que no podríamos arrancárnoslo sino con la carne viva!
¿A que hemos de ir allá cuando no es posible vivir con decoro ni parece aun llegada la hora de volver a morir?... ¿A que iríamos a Cuba? A oír chasquear el látigo en espaldas de hombre,en espaldas cubanas, y no volar aunque no haya mas armas que ramas de árboles, a clavar en un tronco para ejemplo, la mano que nos castiga?
¿Ver el consorcio repugnante de los hijos de los héroes, de los mismos, empequeñecidos en la impureza, y los vicios importados que ostentan, ante los que debieran vivir de espaldas a ellos, su prosperidad inmunda?
¿Saludar, pedir, sonreír, dar nuestra mano, ver a la caterva que florece sobre nuestra angustia, como las mariposas negras y amarillas que nacen del estiércol de los caminos?¿Ver un burócrata insolente que pasea su lujo, su carruaje, su dama, ante el pensador augusto que va a pie a su lado, sin tener de seguro donde buscar en su propia tierra el pan para su casa?
¿Ver en el bochorno a los ilustres en el desamparo a los honrados en complicidades vergonzosas al talento en compañía impura, a las mujeres sin los frutos de su suelo, al campesino, que tiene que ceder al soldado que mañana lo ha de perseguir, hasta el cultivo de sus propias cañas?
¿Ver a un pueblo entero, a nuestro pueblo en quien el juicio llega hoy a donde llego ayer el valor, deshonrarse con la cobardía o el disimulo? Puñal es poco para decir lo que eso duele. Ir, a tanta vergüenza! Otros pueden:
José Marti
10 de Octubre de 1887


                                                SANTA EFIGENIA CEMETERY



Scenes of Cuban life, Havana, the people of Cuba before Castro's revolution. Visit our site at:

55K views5 years ago
Two Cuba's, two different political systems. Here you can be the judge of which one was more successful. Vintage footage that ...

113K views8 years ago
A film about Cuba in the late 1940s by Carl Dudley. To purchase a clean DVD or digital download of this film for personal home ...

Cuba and Havana Before 1959 by Enrique Pollack is a compilation of great photographs of Havana, Cuban Society and Cuban ...

52K views8 years ago
Visit for more information. Purchase Great Houses of Havana at the following locations: ...

Everybody in these films were either shot as enemies of the revolution or moved to Miami.

CriticalPast is an archive of historic footage. The vintage footage in this video has been uploaded for research purposes, and is ...

Enrique Pollack's magnificient video of a long lost Cuba. Never before seen photographs of Havana and its high society.

39K views6 years ago
This is a pictorial voyage through time, a quick view at the opulance of Cuba's architecture through the centuries, acompanied by ...

PART1/8: HAVANA: Images of Havana,before Castro's communist revolution,showing modern architecture,highrises, beautiful ...

Please SUPPORT my work on Patreon: ○ Visit my 2ND CHANNEL: ▻Facebook: ...

Romantic cuban boleros of the 1930s and 1940s, sung by Eydie Gorme and El Trio Los Panchos. Images from a special report by ...

Watch more from Making Sen$e: Read more economic news: ...

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Rare unseen images from one of the world's leading archive of Cuban photos and 

Ambassador Earl T. Smith publicly reveals the efforts made to provide an alternate solution to the Cuban situation- without Castro ...

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Viaggio a Cuba - luglio 2007.

Rare and vintage images from my family and our lost nation. Let these images serve as a warning to those who do not value ...

Enrique Pollack Cuba Pollack Mansion. Enrique PollackPollack Mansion and Things Cuban. An eclectic view on all things ...

How Jim saved his family

@swaffarcongress HELP PATRIOT DARLENE SWAFFAR FLIP FLORIDA DISTRICT 22 🇺🇲 Darlene Swaffar for Congress, #22 FL @swaffarcongress...