Is Never-Trumper Paul Ryan Now Running the Show Over at Fox News? |
Political weasels, wimps and rat-finks are always at their most deadly when they go to ground hiding under cover.
Examples: Ex-president private citizen Barack Obama who has taken on the role as “Resistance” leader, working from a multi-million dollar mansion within walking distance of the White House. Former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who currently sits on the board of Fox News Corp., and who, according to Vanity Far, is reportedly urging Fox News to “decisively break” with President Donald Trump—news in the magazine’s report documenting the network’s “management bedlam”. (Breitbart, Sept. 26, 2019) |
• 2019-09-26 • Judi McLeod |
Biden Ukraine Debacle Means Nobody in Deep State Ever Going to Jail |
• 2019-09-26 • Daniel Wiseman |
Trump Urging Ukrainian Probe of Biden Breaks No Laws |
A treaty from 2000 between the Ukraine and the United States requires the two countries to cooperate on law enforcement matters, a factor that may help to explain why President Donald Trump felt comfortable questioning the involvement of Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in Ukrainian affairs, during a telephone conversation two months ago with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
The American and Ukrainian governments, it turns out, are legally required by treaty to render mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. |
• 2019-09-26 • Matthew Vadum |
Tuckered Out By What Is Passing As ”NEWS” |
How many out there are plain tuckered out by what is passing for “NEWS”?
Many in the masses have been that way ever since the Democrats began calling all blowhards out to the ‘Screech ‘Impeach!’ campaign.
Notice how it wasn’t “NEWS” when former vice president, now bumbling 2020 presidential hopeful Joe Biden openly threatened to, then had fired a Ukrainian prosecutor, who was investigating his son Hunter Biden’s potentially corrupt conduct and the company that paid him—but became top “NEWS” when President Donald Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to check it out? |
• 2019-09-26 • Judi McLeod |
Dems Bet It All on a Telephone Call Transcript |
A day after Democrats vowed to open a formal impeachment inquiry, President Trump dropped a bombshell Sept. 25 by releasing the transcript of a conversation he had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Trump’s enemies insist is the smoking gun that should drive him from office.
That the impeachment push is an attempt to placate the Democrats’ increasingly affective Antifa-loving base and probably also a tactic to direct attention away from the at least questionable dealings in Ukraine of Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden and his cokehead grifter son, Hunter, have barely been mentioned in the media. The media is promoting the theory – based on an anonymous “whistleblower” complaint - that Trump tried to enlist a foreign government to help him in the 2020 election, even though Department of Justice lawyers have already issued an opinion that Trump’s conversation did not constitute a violation of U.S. campaign laws. |
• 2019-09-26 • Matthew Vadum |
Cold Versus Heat Deaths |
Usually when the media discusses climate change, there is a focus on the increased number of deaths that may be caused by heat waves and natural catastrophes.
Some examples:
• Killer heat waves responsible for deaths recorded across the US and Europe. 1• Heat waves are the deadliest form of extreme weather, responsible for more deaths in the US every year than the combined effects of hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes, earthquakes, and floods. 2 |
• 2019-09-26 • Jack Dini |
The Humanitarian Hoax of Zero Population Growth (ZPG) |
• 2019-09-26 • Linda Goudsmit |
The Corrupt Conniver Behind Joe ‘The Bumbler’ Biden |
• 2019-09-26 • Judi McLeod |
Judicial Watch Sues State Department for Records on Firing of Biden-Ukraine Prosecutor |
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for records about the firing of Ukraine’s top prosecutor after then-Vice President Joe Biden threated to withhold aid. The lawsuit was filed yesterday against the U.S. Department of State (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:19-cv-02893)).
• 2019-09-26 • Judicial Watch |
Watch: Greta Thunberg's parents should be 'held accountable' |
Pauline Hanson has lashed out at the parents of teen activist Greta Thunberg, telling Sky News the “adults around her” should be held accountable for the words of a teen “with no life experience”.
• 2019-09-26 • News on the Net |
Nunes: I want to congratulate the Democrats on their latest information operation warfare against the president |
California Republican Rep. Devin Nunes gives his opening statement during the House Intelligence Committee hearing to question acting DNI Joseph Maguire over the whistleblower complaint.
Watch the latest video at |
• 2019-09-26 • Fox News |
VIDEO: Students say impeach Trump…but can’t give reason why College students in Virginia were quick to say President Trump should be impeached… They weren’t as quick to give reasons why though. Watch their interviews with Campus Reform Editor-in-Chief Cabot Phillips: • 2019-09-26 • Campus Reform =========================================================== It is exactly the same thing for the issue of climate change,they have not a clue or anyt true knowledge about the Earth Climate or Geological facts.Most of them 98% will not even pose themselves any questions or be skeptical and ask themselves questions about why or what is this hoax claimed by the left called "climate change" or one of the many names they use now... THIS Opinion is mine the blogger Speech Freedom ======================================================= |
Israeli breakthrough could turn hydrogen into the fuel of future |
Electric battery-powered cars have stolen much of the buzz that hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles generated before the rise of Tesla and its fellow EV makers.
A new technology developed by researchers from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in collaboration with the team that founded the popular Israeli-made phone app Viber promises to put hydrogen back on the grid.
H2Pro uses a water-splitting technology called E-TAC (electrochemical thermally activated chemical) that draws hydrogen out of water by separating it from oxygen. A water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. |
• 2019-09-26 • ISRAEL21c |
Ontario lost nearly 170,000 manufacturing jobs since 2007; Michigan added 47,000 above pre-recession levels |
• 2019-09-26 • Fraser Institute |
Why Multiculturalism Has To Be Made An Issue This Election |
• 2019-09-26 • Sarah Chung |
On the Trail of Tears With Federal Bureaucrats |
• 2019-09-26 • Michael R. Shannon |
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