
Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Top 10 Oil-producing Countries

United States. Production: 17,886,000 bpd. ...
Saudi Arabia. Production: 12,419,000 bpd. ...
Russia. Production: 11,401,000 bpd. ...
Canada. Production: 5,295,000 bpd. ...
China. Production: 4,816,000 bpd. ...
Iraq. Production: 4,616,000 bpd. ...
Iran. Production: 4,471,000 bpd. ...
United Arab Emirates. Production: 3,791,000 bpd.

Venezuela |According to the latest data, Venezuela’s crude oil production now stands at its lowest level in more than 50 years. Output in May averaged 1.36 million barrels per day (b/d), down from 1.41 million b/d in April.

PDVSA is the heart of Venezuela's economy but it's on its way to collapse. News. Analysis. Research. Services: News, Analysis, Research.


It has become a daily topic and mantra in the mass medias and fake news to endorse the never ending rants, lies,twisted facts and ignorant statements on the Earth Climate  by the "ecologists" or the proponents of drastic change in the humans consumption of fossil fuels,like OIL,Gas,Coal. 
These  people claim that the Earth is in "danger" if we do not stop producing  gas emissions from the fossil fuels consumption. But if we really do a good indepth analysis of all what they claim about these "dangers" we can find behind their claims a hypocrisy and flagrant ignorance on the Earth and its  Geophysical conditions.
They ignore or do forget willingly the Geographical and Geological  factors which determine or define the changes in the Earth Temperatures and thus the Climate. Not a single one of them ,either by crass ignorance or on purpose, never mention the different movements,positions of the Earth with respect to the SUN and which are factors that have an influence on the Climate on Earth. 
One of those movements is the shift and wobbling of the Polar Axis. 
The scientific proven fact is that any variations of the Angle of the Polar Axis ,which is about aprox. 23 degrees 5 minutes, provokes a variation in the Temperature and Climate patterns because of the amount of solar rays hitting the Earth surface is proportional to angle variation or change.
If we take for real or true the fake claims on the "climate change" and the hysterical rage of some of these people proposing a drastic stop to Oil or fossil fuels usage and STOP , just HYPOTHETICALLY , the production and transportation of fossil fuels, let's see  what happens...
Let's then ask these people to ASK Sweden,Canada,the USA,China, India,Russia etc to STOP their CAR industries to produce cars, their farmers to STOP using tractors and trucks, their diesel railroad trains to STOP and STOP transportation of agricutural products ,food stuffs, by truck or rail. 
Let's ask the Fishing industries all over the world to STOP using Diesel Fuel and the merchant ships STOP transporting the millions of Containers packed with goods, food or other products. Now let's ask to Norway to stop their oil production, Let's ask IKEA to STOP to use merchant ships  or trucks to transport their products.Let's ask Volvo factories in Sweden to STOP right now manufacturing cars, trucks, etc. Does the swedish people would agree to close down all their plants using fossil fuels? Or STOP all their transportation system to STOP ? What about STOP refuelling all the Armed Forces trucks, tanks ,aircrafts in Sweden or any where in the world ?Greta ThunbergDo the inconsequential, ignorant and hysterics fear mongering eco-leftists have thought about  how many millions  workers would be  unemployed, fired from their  present day JOBS ?
Has the swedish girl, Greta Thunberg , endorsed by the Eco-left ever thought to do a strike or manifestation at the doors of her own country factories as IKEA , A company that has plants in NINE countries and employs about 20,000 people  .Jul 16, 2019
IKEA Plant Closure: Why Are 300 Employees Losing Their Jobs? › ikea-plant-closure-why-are-300-employees-losing their jobs
 OR WHAT ABOUT THE SWEDISH VOLVO COMPANY'S PLANTSFor the full year 2017, global sales reached a record 571,577 cars, an increase of 7.0 per cent versus 2016. The company’s first US facility complements its two manufacturing plants and an engine plant in Europe, three car factories and an engine plant in China, and assembly plants in India and Malaysia.olvo Cars has been under the ownership of the Zhejiang Geely Holding (Geely Holding) of China since 2010.=====================================Anyone who thinks that OIL and Gas production can be stopped by  vomiting rabid rants,is either a hypocrite or just a parrot repeating the same fear mongering out of some ignorant beliefs or non rational or unfounded and false facts on the real Earth climate processes .    

  PLEASE !  Watch these videos
                 Mechanism of The Seasons

    Earth's Tilt 1: The Reason for the Seasons

The History of Ice Age Era's
Ricky Halcomb
An ice age is a period of long-term reduction in the temperature of Earth's surface and atmosphere, resulting in the presence or ...
What is an Ice Age?
Hi, I'm Emerald Robinson. In this "What Is" video we're going to take a closer look at ice ages. In 1840, Swiss scientist Louis ...
Earth: A History (HD - 720P)
Imagine cameras have been around since the creation of Earth to 
A Brief History of Geologic Time

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