
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Does anyone tell the truth anymore?

Thousands of these  coal miners are not in that  category of white supremacists which are a fringe  small group

God Isn’t Welcome At The UN And Hasn’t Been For A Long, Long Time
Before yesterday when President Donald Trump invoked it, when was the last time you ever heard the name of the Creator at the United Nations?
God having been driven from the UN, the children’s classroom and the Public Square, the president’s address yesterday was like a breath of fresh air wafting through the bureaucracy’s staid and stale Manhattan headquarters.
God’s name is anathema at the UN as it is in much of the secular world the UN now controls.
 •  2019-09-23  •  Judi McLeod
White Supremacy Myth in Light of the War of Values
As Americans celebrated Constitution Day, or didn’t acknowledge it, the ignorance of the Constitution should be a loud alarm bell resounding throughout the nation in 2019. The ignoring it, or the clueless disconnect from it will yield the same outcome. On the threshold of an election year, citizens may want to seriously consider the value they place in the foundations laid in the past, as foundations for America’s future. The New York Times is busily spinning deception via their 1619 Project, in hopes that it will perpetuate new spin on the old myth. Citizens who care about a future built upon the foundational documents may want to determine how much they are willing to tolerate deception and distortion of truth.
In light of the words of the Declaration of Independence, the United States is once again going through a period of judgment, and many cannot recognize it. Words mean a lot. And, the fact that words are used to confuse and manipulate people from the family to the world level is extremely significant. The fact that word choice is used to shape the public political debate and the political paradigms that frame public perception is extremely significant. The fact that there is an ideological war being waged in America and throughout the world is extremely significant. But, America is quite self-insulated against such a war at present.
 •  2019-09-23  •  Dennis Jamison
Does anyone tell the truth anymore?
As an outsider, I have been witnessing the weaponizing of the intelligence and law enforcement agencies of the United States to try and fraudulently win an election, and then attempt to stage a political coup against a duly elected president.
Begun under the Obama Administration, we have seen the CIA (under John Brennan), the National Security apparatus (under James Clapper), the FBI (under James Comey), the Department of Justice (under Loretta Lynch), bring a fraudulent dossier to the secret government FISA court, for permission to engage in espionage against, conduct illegal unmaskings of American citizens, spy on anyone connected with their political rival, and set the top level personnel in the FBI and DOJ on a prolonged campaign to indict a sitting president on the fake charge of Russian Collusion, a charge, it transpires, that they themselves were guilt of.
 •  2019-09-23  •  Barry Shaw
Why Multiculturalism Has To Be Made An Issue This Election
Why Multiculturalism Has To Be Made An Issue This ElectionMulticulturalism has gone well ahead of the assimilation process in Canada and it has to be made an issue this election. Public opinion polls—see herehere, and here—show most Canadians agree and want less immigration and more integration for the country.
This includes many immigrants like myself. Neil Bissoondath, Salim Mansur and former B.C. Liberal premier Ujjal Dosanjh, for instance, have for years chastised Ottawa’s elevation of multiculturalism above integration. As Dosanjh put it recently, official multiculturalism has enabled many immigrants today to act like “colonisers” who, instead of integrating into the common culture, try to “remake Canada in their own image.” In the long term, he concludes, this will be “extremely dangerous” for Canadian society. Having come from a country born out of ethnic secession (Malaysia, which lost Singapore in 1965) and which is still fraught with ethnic strife, I couldn’t agree more.
 •  2019-09-23  •  Sarah Chung
Netanyahu and Liberman could cut deal if Rivlin plan fails
President Rivlin’s decision to bring Bibi Netanyahu and Benny Gantz together to see if a Government of National Unity can be formed makes sense in the extraordinary situation that has followed Israel’s elections on 17 September.
Once again neither the Left nor Right wing blocs have won the 61 seats required to form Government.
Rivlin’s proposal however could well founder on the aspirations of Netanyahu, Gantz and Yair Lapid to be the Prime Minister of any such Government and whether that position should be rotated and in what order.
 •  2019-09-23  •  David Singer
America is a Christian Nation – We do not Guess Who God Is
Upon visiting a few Alcoholics’ Anonymous meetings with a friend, I returned home mulling over the idea of a god who is “whatever you perceive him to be” – a typical phrase among AA attendees. After questioning my friend about it he said, sure you may use anything even a lightbulb as your idea of your “higher power.”
The idea that God can be anything you perceive him to be is the basis for every false religion, cult and whacko new religion, that has ever sauntered on to the scene and that includes major religions like Islam.
 •  2019-09-23  •  Rev. Michael Bresciani

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