Vulture Hillary Ready To Swoop Down On Befuddled Biden |
• 2020-04-30 • Judi McLeod |
Scratch a leftist, find a fascist |
• 2020-04-30 • Klaus Rohrich |
When It Comes to Suppressing Sexual Harassment Scandals, Bernie Sanders a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing |
“BAA!” “BAA!, the sound of Senator Bernie Sanders as he follows, sheep-like in the suppression of Tara Reade’s sexual allegation by presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden.
“Despite the growing uproar from many of his progressive supporters over the sexual assault allegation leveled against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has remained quiet on the matter in recent days.” (Fox News, April 30, 2020) |
• 2020-04-30 • Judi McLeod |
Expert on COVID-19 models: modelling and projecting is a very inexact science |
This April 4 report on COVID-19 models by CTV is a beauty. It’s supportive of the use of models, of course, and of the political steps taken based on them and it does so while admitting the models were total bunk.Here are a few gems. |
• 2020-04-30 • Mark Gray |
Advice for the Church: Better Call Saul |
A local pastor is walking dozens of miles to raise funds for the poor and hungry, many of whom have been created by the government’s COVID-19 economic lockdown. That’s a nice thing to do. But his own church in the Washington, D.C. area remains essentially closed, except for “private” displays of Christianity. Some of his parishioners entered into the church to fill the pews with pictures of the people who used to be there. That’s sad.It is America 2020 and the police are showing up to arrest ministers of the Gospel – at least the few willing to challenge the modern-day Caesar. |
• 2020-04-30 • Cliff Kincaid |
Beware the “New Normal” |
President Trump is right that we’re at war with an invisible enemy. But that enemy is most emphatically not a virus. He has been lured into fighting the wrong war.
It seems the President’s advisors are insisting he focus on Covid-19—the red herring—rather than on the true invisible enemy: the America-hating Left and the elite globalist cabal that’s been trying to take down America for years to implement their One World Government “utopia.” Note also that this New World Order plan looks a lot like worldwide Communism, complete with high-tech Big Brother surveillance. It is antithetical to everything America stands for, and all the liberty Americans enjoy. |
• 2020-04-30 • Cherie Zaslawsky |
‘Digi-Coup': Putting Lipstick On A Pig |
• 2020-04-30 • Judi McLeod |
Any COVID Response Excluding Herd Immunity Doomed For Failure |
• 2020-04-30 • Daniel Wiseman |
Get Ready For Their Message: Michelle And Joe Only Want to Hug And Love You |
The impact of the coronavirus scare has brought the masses to where Barack Obama wanted them to be—a collective digital screen where he, wife Michelle, Joe Biden and the rest of the Democrats can stream out their never-ending message to you.
Don’t expect to get back to work any time soon because it looks like current stay-at-home orders will keep most of America on lock down until after the November 3 presidential election. |
• 2020-04-30 • Judi McLeod |
Ilhan Omar: Legislation to Put Private Property in Control of the Government |
• 2020-04-30 • Dag Barkley |
10th Circuit Court: Unconstitutional to Demand Proof of Citizenship to Vote |
• 2020-04-30 • Dag Barkley |
Trusting government forces a false famine |
This worldwide economic collapse was not serendipitous, nor was the unloosing of a “pandemic” on fear-filled populations. Coincidences are not accidental – the nature of the word tells us as much. Co – incidence: two or more events occurring at the same time.
• 2020-04-30 • A. Dru Kristenev |
BREAKING: Funeral Directors in COVID-19 Epicenter Doubt Legitimacy of Deaths Attributed to Pandemic, Fear Numbers are 'Padded' |
Project Veritas spoke to several funeral directors in New York who are doubting the legitimacy of COVID-19 labeled death certificates.
“To be honest with you, all the death certificates, they’re writing COVID on all the death certificates whether they had a positive test, whether they didn’t, so I think, you know again this is my personal opinion, I think like the Mayor (Bill de Blasio) in our city (NYC), they’re looking for federal funding and, the more they put COVID on the death certificate the more they can ask for federal funds,” Funeral Director, Colonial Home Michael Lanza said. “So I think it’s political.”
• 2020-04-30 • Project Veritas |
Joe Biden Needs Women |
Shyness has never been one of Joe’s problems. He tracked down his current wife, a college senior, after he saw a modeling photo of her on a bus shelter. He became infamous for swimming nude in front of female secret service agents. But at 77, he has never needed women as much as he does now.
• 2020-04-30 • Daniel Greenfield |
Emails Show Extensive Communications Between Senior Defense Official and Columnist Who Published Leaked Info on Flynn Calls with Russian Ambassador |
(Washington, DC) - Judicial Watch released 143 pages of new records today from the U.S. Department of Defense, showing extensive communications between the Pentagon’s Director of the Office of Net Assessment James Baker and Washington Post reporter David Ignatius.
• 2020-04-30 • Judicial Watch |
Stand Up For Freedom Now, Or Lose What Freedom Is Left |
• 2020-04-30 • Dag Barkley |
Video: Police in Wisconsin Harass Mom For Allowing Her Daughter to Play at Neighbor’s House |
• 2020-04-30 • News on the Net |
KY AG Rebukes Beshear in Church Lawsuit | |
LOUISVILLE, KY – Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron filed a compelling amicus brief in support of Liberty Counsel’s federal lawsuit, on behalf of Maryville Baptist Church and Pastor Jack Roberts, against Governor Andy Beshear for violating their religious freedom by targeting churchgoers on Easter Sunday and banning religious services.
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