If governments are right in shutting down world business as the main foil to stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, and who knows the governments—most often wrong—could be right for the first time, don’t return home from trips to the supermarket unless you’re wearing a hazmat suit.
• 2020-04-01 • Judi McLeod
Ileana’s Musings During Corona Times
• 2020-04-01 • Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
Power of the Church denied in the wake of COVID-19
The unexpected answer is, “By the Church itself.”
For proof, all one has to do is drive down the road on Sunday morning in the Bible Belt and see how many church parking lots are completely vacant. Why?
• 2020-04-01 • A. Dru Kristenev
America needs a New Declaration of Equal Justice under the Law
In prior times of war, crisis, suffering and loss of life from causes outside the U.S., Americans of both parties would pull together and focus on what can be done to quickly help, alleviate and solve the problem. No longer. The COVID-19 crisis provides us a window into our national social and spiritual health, and what we see from much of America’s Left as expressed in the media and Democrat Party reveals a degree and strain of moral impoverishment we haven’t seen before.
What has been allowed to grow in the American cultural and political petri dish over the last two generations is a mixture whose contagious influence is as harmful as it is riddled with absurdities.
A partial list would include:
an unequal two-tiered justice system;
open borders;
preferential treatment of illegal aliens over American citizens;
the dominance of political correctness and its de facto censorship of free expression;
fake news;
rewriting history;
the 1619 project;
renaming Columbus Day;
the abolition of traditions of every size and shape;
destruction of American historical monuments;
trampling the American flag and other symbols of democracy;
the eradication of family values while celebrating and elevating relationships
counterproductive to procreation
-- an imperative for any civilization that wants to survive;
election fraud and dismantlement of the electoral process;
AN ATTEMPTED COUP that would have nullified the Constitution and the peoples’ sovereignty;
THE DISGRACEFUL character assassination of nominees to the Supreme Court;
THE PERVASIVE infiltration of education with academics hostile to America;
THE ADOPTION OF SAFE SPACES and the prohibition of trigger words on college campuses;
UNION CONTROL and influence on public school educational curricula whose net effect dumbs down students and often paints America as the great villain.
But together, the collective influence of all these factors presents us with a reality that is disheartening and threatening.
How did this happen and what are patriotic Americans to do?

2020-04-01 • Scott Powell
Scare Mongering Predicted Coronavirus Deaths with a Vague Mitigation Graph

Scare Mongering Predicted Coronavirus Deaths with a Vague Mitigation Graph
The most terrifying thing about the ubiquitous Mitigation Graph The White House Coronavirus Task Force is counting on to keep the American virus death rate at 100,000 to 200,000 or less rather than 2.2 million, is that power-crazed Democrats are counting on any number of deaths to blame on President Donald Trump to impeach him.
Ominous indeed that Doctors Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci—the two top stars of the Coronavirus Task Force—are Barack Obama holdovers.
• 2020-04-01 • Judi McLeod
Something Is Not Right
“Your mind picks up signals very fast when something is not right…you don’t always have to figure it out completely, you just know.”—unknown author
Something is not right. Too many things do not add up.
Both Covid-19 and the influenza virus are contagious viruses that cause respiratory illness. The flu in America, so far this season, according to the CDC, has caused about 46 million illnesses, 550,000 hospitalizations and about 41,000 deaths. And yet, we have almost completely shut down our economy to the point of approaching collapse because of a comparatively small fraction of Covid-19 cases caused by another virus from China. Instead of preaching good nutrition, a healthy immune system, supplementing with extra vitamins A, C, and D, our political establishment is pushing for lock downs, face masks, and pressuring our president into creating fear and panic. Why?
• 2020-04-01 • Ray DiLorenzo
Ominous indeed that Doctors Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci—the two top stars of the Coronavirus Task Force—are Barack Obama holdovers.
• 2020-04-01 • Judi McLeod
Something Is Not Right
Something is not right. Too many things do not add up.
Both Covid-19 and the influenza virus are contagious viruses that cause respiratory illness. The flu in America, so far this season, according to the CDC, has caused about 46 million illnesses, 550,000 hospitalizations and about 41,000 deaths. And yet, we have almost completely shut down our economy to the point of approaching collapse because of a comparatively small fraction of Covid-19 cases caused by another virus from China. Instead of preaching good nutrition, a healthy immune system, supplementing with extra vitamins A, C, and D, our political establishment is pushing for lock downs, face masks, and pressuring our president into creating fear and panic. Why?
• 2020-04-01 • Ray DiLorenzo
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