The Spin’s Really In At The New Fear-Mongering Drudge Report |
Straight-up fearmongering about the Coronavirus Threat is available for all to see today over at the Drudge Report.The Matt Drudge Empire wants the masses to believe not that you perhaps “could” contract Coronavirus—but that you inevitably “will.”See today’s banner announcement on Drudge (3/12/2020, 0615 hrs.) |
• 2020-03-11 • Judi McLeod |
Will Biden Be The Nominee? |
O.K. friends, so it appears that last March 3rd, Super Tuesday, changed the entire landscape of the Democratic party, didn’t it? Biden, you may say, rose from the ashes, much like the Phoenix mythological bird in the Greek and Roman legends, that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. On Monday, March 2nd, everyone in the planet, including yours truly, had written Biden off, for better or for worse. Then came the two Super Tuesdays, on March 3rd and 10th respectively, to where Biden now leads the race by 154 delegates, with 864 delegates to Sanders 710. |
• 2020-03-11 • Obie Usategui |
Threats a Norm for Democrats |
Chuck Schumer was recently chastised for making threats against two Supreme Court Justices, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Everyone acted as if they were surprised and appalled. The liberal left’s rage against those who oppose them normally only rears its ugly head through groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. The politicians are too reserved and professional to give in to such rage. Or, so we are told.
Then, recently, Biden threatened an autoworker in Detroit, during a conversation that put Biden on defense regarding his desire to confiscate firearms (at one point naming the “AR-14” ... except that it is an AR-15, which also reveals the incredible ignorance he has about guns ... he wants to ban something he doesn’t even understand, much less knows the name of). |
• 2020-03-11 • Douglas V. Gibbs |
Now's the time to wake up - before it's too late |
When the Soviet Union collapsed, most Americans thought the communists just gave up. However, that’s not what happened. Many of them migrated to America and focused on dismantling the only formidable obstacle standing in the way of a global communist government. And that obstacle is the Bible loving, gun toting, independent minded American culture. Since the 1950s, communists have been trying to topple the American culture by reversing America’s religious principles and subverting and dividing the language |
• 2020-03-11 • Charles Wills |
Taking $10,000 is a Crime but Taking $24.3 million is Not a Crime |
Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans:Today, the Los Angeles Times Editorial Board tried to justify the so-called federal corruption investigation and indictment of former L.A. City Councilman Mitchell Englander |
• 2020-03-11 • Robert L. Rosebrock |
Hillary Clinton Waiting Breathlessly To Replace Biden |
• 2020-03-11 • Judi McLeod |
What Happens If A Presidential Nominee Is Incapacitated? |
• 2020-03-11 • Kelly OConnell |
That Which We are Not to Mention |
• 2020-03-11 • Tony Mangan |
Democrats and Media Coughing Up Coronavirus Blame On President Trump |
• 2020-03-11 • Judi McLeod |
President Trump Delivers National Coronavirus Address |
• 2020-03-11 • Breitbart News |
Veteran's benefits aren't entitlements, they're payments for services rendered |
“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”When every veteran took this oath to defend our country, our Constitution, and our way of life they presented the nation with a blank check to serve and protect We the People. That check was written with their lives, their bodies, and their sacred honor. They pledged to give their all. And as the saying goes, “All gave some. Some gave all.” |
• 2020-03-11 • Dr. Robert R. Owens |
Leftist Coronavirus lies debunked | |
It should come as no surprise that the mainstream media has pinned the Coronavirus outbreak on President Trump. Equally not shocking is the Trump took action after the discovery of the first case of Coronavirus, which we can’t say for other presidents. If you are reading this article, then you know the left will never veer from their divide and conquer pathway to power. So let’s do something the media won’t: separate fact from a fictional narrative meant to scare the crap out of you.—More…
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• 2020-03-11 • Steven Crowder |
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