A Working Hypothesis: COVID-19 as pandemic bioterrorism |
A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for an event. A working hypothesis is a provisional explanation that requires further investigation before making a flat claim of accuracy.
Working Hypothesis: The COVID-19 event is a covert act—one not openly shown, engaged in, or avowed—of biological terrorism sanctioned by the top leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and aimed at the United States, with the expectation that other nations—as collateral damage—would incur consequences when their populations were also exposed to the virulent pathogen to a level that would mask the focused target of the assault.
• 2020-03-26 • Lee Cary |
Something Is Not Right |
unknown author
Something is not right. Too many things do not add up.
Both Covid-19 and the influenza virus are contagious viruses that cause respiratory illness. The flu in America, so far this season, according to the CDC, has caused about 46 million illnesses, 550,000 hospitalizations and about 41,000 deaths. And yet, we have almost completely shut down our economy to the point of approaching collapse because of a comparatively small fraction of Covid-19 cases caused by another virus from China. Instead of preaching good nutrition, a healthy immune system, supplementing with extra vitamins A, C, and D, our political establishment is pushing for lock downs, face masks, and pressuring our president into creating fear and panic. Why? |
• 2020-03-26 • Ray DiLorenzo |
One-Worlders Exploit Pandemic for Global Government |
“Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus” is the British Guardian headline over a story about the former Labor prime minister.
• 2020-03-26 • Cliff Kincaid |
Corona: if they lied then, why wouldn't they lie now? |
• 2020-03-26 • Jon Rappoport
Canada Free Press Daily Mailout
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