Canada Free Press Daily Mailout
Trumped-Up Trump Hatred Based on a Democrat/Media Ruse |
 The entire Democrat agenda to remove President Donald Trump from office is based on a ruse.
The ruse is the Democrat media lie that everyone hates Donald Trump—a lie deliberately advanced even before the November 8, 2016 Election the Democrats thought would be a cake walk for the presidency-entitled Hillary Clinton.
• 2020-02-02 • Judi McLeod |
Are Democrats Liable for Hate Crimes Due to the Impeachment? |
 When the Senate acquits President Donald J. Trump of the bogus crimes fabricated by the Democrat leadership and fanned to a frenzy by the national mainstream media, one has to wonder whether such a blatant attempt to “kill the king” should be ignored. Where’s the “Justice” Democrats to demand justice that the Trump smear campaign was unjust? Where is the Southern Poverty Law Center when blatant hate has been exhibited in such a public display on national television? How could the American Civil Liberties Union be so absent in defending a citizen’s individual civil liberties? Have the organs of justice ground to a halt?
• 2020-02-02 • Dennis Jamison |
Trump acquittal by Democrat Senators can restore faith in the law |
 The Democrat Senators have the opportunity to restore public confidence in the rule of law by voting to acquit President Trump against claims by the House that he committed high crimes and misdemeanors involving two charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
Those claims had their origins in a phone conversation that had taken place between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky on 25 July 2019—a transcript of which had been released by the White House on 25 September 2019.
• 2020-02-02 • David Singer |
And Giggling Kamala Was Running for President Too, Sen. Schumer |
 Yo, Chuck Schumer, it’s not just Democrat colleague Kamala Harris giggling as you spoke at Friday’s press conference that should have got your goat, it’s that Harris, ‘Self-Crowned Queen of the Dance and Giggle Squad’ is typical of what the Democrats have to offer as presidential material.
All Democrat presidential hopefuls and their Dem cheerleaders are giggling and dancing time away, leaving all sworn duty and nation business behind as they continue their Impeachment obsession—-carried LIVE over all cable television networks.
• 2020-02-02 • Judi McLeod |
Are Battle Lines Being Drawn? |
 What started in whispers is now appearing in print…American Thinker, Market Watch, Huffington Post, Washington Times, National Review, Daily Wire, Breitbart, Real Clear Politics, and The New Yorker, among others. They are writing about the possibility of a second civil war in this country, a redo of Democrats’ nullification of federal law, the insistent opposition and rejection of the lawful election of a president, the movement of many of our citizens to a more agreeable state, and acts of violence.
• 2020-02-02 • Ray DiLorenzo |
Disaster Looms For Democrats |
 As the nation gets ready for a presidential election, the Democratic Party is in total turmoil. Their 2020 presidential candidates are not exciting voters. There is a very large field of candidates, but none of them seem able to defeat President Donald Trump in the upcoming general election.
Among the candidates, no one has the charisma of Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. While each of the major candidates has supporters and is raising millions of dollars, the only candidate to create true devotion is U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), practically an octogenarian.
• 2020-02-02 • Jeff Crouere |
Impeachment Hoax Is the Actual Election Interference |
 As the impeachment show unfolds, the real issue is getting overlooked: Democrats would guarantee a Democrat wins the Presidency in November 2020 if the U.S. Senate were to convict and remove President Donald Trump from office on impeachment.
The deadlines for a Republican candidate to seek the Republican Party nomination for President in the 2020 election have already expired in Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, California, Texas, Ohio, North Carolina, Mississippi, Kentucky, Maryland, and West Virginia. The deadlines will expire for Indiana on February 7, for Pennsylvania on February 18, for Nebraska on March 2, for Georgia on March 6, and for Montana on March 9.
• 2020-02-02 • Jonathon Moseley |
Nancy Pelosi: He Will Not be Elected: He Will Not Be Acquitted |
 To the celebratory delight of ‘deplorable’ Patriots, Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has crossed the “Never-Forever” Rubicon from which there is no coming back.
“Donald Trump is not going to be President of the United States.” “Take it to the bank, I guarantee it,” Pelosi told Recode Decode, host Kara Swisher, on May 15, 2016.
• 2020-02-02 • Judi McLeod |
Whose future is most at stake in the Impeachment Trial? |
 The obvious answer is Donald J. Trump.
Trump Haters hope that, even when acquitted by the Senate, his reputation will be so tarnished that it will reduce his chances for reelection, and dishonor his legacy.
Or, at least, put the patina of failure on his first-term successes and bring him early lame-duck status in a second.
• 2020-02-02 • Lee Cary |
Bernie Sanders is as Honest as Every Other Politician |
“I’ll probably vote for Bernie,” Joe Rogan told listeners. “He’s been insanely consistent his entire life. He’s basically been saying the same thing, been the same thing his whole life.”
The podcaster was repeating a popular myth about Bernie Sanders.
Sanders has been the same thing his entire life. A political activist or a politician. He graduated from the University of Chicago with a degree in political science and began his political career not long after moving to Vermont. He’s either been running for political office or holding political office for 48 years.
• 2020-02-02 • Daniel Greenfield |
Halting the March of Democracy |
 California is in shambles. The politically dark blue legislature has done more damage to California’s state of freedom and economic health than the lefties were able to accomplish in Detroit. California is on the way to becoming a U.S. version of Venezuela; a failed, dreary socialist dystopia drowning in its own filth and unsustainable promises. The State of Virginia, recently, thanks to democracy (certain components of being a republic have been taken away, which has enabled this madness ... I’ll explain later in the article what I mean by that) went full on Democrat Majority, and among the most egregious laws the commies of the party of the donkey have put into place have been nasty gun control laws that are ready to move into full on gun confiscation mode.
• 2020-02-02 • Douglas V. Gibbs |
Romanian King of Communism Lionized by BBC |
 A 2016 BBC documentary titled, The King of Communism – The Pomp and Pageantry of Nicolae Ceausescu, focused on Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena’s cult of personality propaganda that helped maintain his brutal Communist Party dictatorship (1965-1989) in the Socialist Republic of Romania, a tyranny that irreparably damaged the soul of a nation.
Sadly, the documentary was celebrated by people who still believe in his misery right up to this day.
Unfortunately, the old communist ideology has been repackaged for Millennials and useful idiots in shiny new wrapping paper, with colorful and expensive free bows, by self-described Socialist Democrats like Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who are so far to the left of the political spectrum that are in danger of falling off the Marxist cart.
• 2020-02-02 • Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh |
Israeli HyDrop technology fights fires from above |
 The bushfires raging through Australia and devastating the people, wildlife and nature in their way are a horribly grim reminder of the havoc that such blazes can wreak despite the valiant efforts to contain them.
HyDrop, a new firefighting solution developed by Israeli defense contractor Elbit Systems, may one day help in similar situations.
• 2020-02-02 • ISRAEL21c |
Big Green, Inc: The Bloomberg Family Foundation and the Future of American Energy |
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is running for President of the United States, but that’s not all he’s up to.
He’s also working to upend our energy-spurred prosperity. The Bloomberg Family Foundation, a $7 billion organization of which he is the benefactor has made obstruction of our energy economy its raison d’etre. Bloomberg himself also presides over the board the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, an international alliance of cities whose mayors back his climate and energy approach. Bloomberg is also the chairman emeritus of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the chairman of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). These organizations claim to be nonpartisan arbiters of the climate risk that businesses face, but in reality, they’re controlled almost entirely by the network of hyper-partisan foundations that fuel the environmental left, and their recommendations reflect this. Unfortunately, the disclosure standards established by the SASB have an air of legitimacy that makes them insidious.
• 2020-02-02 • Institute for Energy Research |
Coronavirus: An Analysis In Relation To Technocracy |
 People around the world are in near-panic over the potential pandemic emanating from the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China. Face masks and bottles of hand sanitizers have been flying off the shelves and trips involving air travel are plummeting.
Not surprisingly, there is a mountain of disinformation with attendant conspiracy theories racing around the Internet, all of which only exacerbate the fear and muddle what facts we know for certain.
• 2020-02-02 • Patrick Wood |
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