Below I've listed individuals who have helped me with this website.
These are people who have made suggestions, sent in material, provided guidance, or have otherwise helped us. I thank all of them.
Paul Margolis is a man of many talents: writer, photographer, activist, adventurer... Paul introduced me to this topic through his writing, and has provided "interesting" background information.
Tedd Blevins, artist extraordinaire, sells his paintings for thousands of dollars. Thanks for the artistic advice.
Dr. Robert M. Levine has been kind in his suggestions, leading me to new areas to include, and providing excellent background information. (Subliminal suggestion: Read his book.)
Judith Laikin Elkin has provided enough reference material to get a couple of doctorates.
Stanley Kossof may get a computer someday. In the meantime, he gets the job done. Hey, Stanley, Circuit City is having a sale this week!
And to everyone onsoc.culture.cuba, including Roberto, Mona, Juan, Miguel, Lourdes, Miriam, Larry, Walter, GoLo, Vivian..... Oi, who am I leaving out? Thanks to all of you for taking time out from the battles on SCC to offer advice and guidance.
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