Hillary Clinton Still Licking Her Lips In Anticipation
Senate Impeachment Trial proceedings are set to begin at 1 p.m. today—taking us back to the October 19, 2016 presidential debate—where it really all began.
October 19, 2016 is the night when Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, convinced she had nothing to lose, was licking her lips in anticipation.
• 2020-01-20 • Judi McLeod
Vision from Martin Luther King, Jr. as Democrats Still Resist Voting Rights
In reflecting upon the celebration of the value of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in 2020, and all kinds of people do, a serious examination of history would help citizens to be clear about the dangers to voting rights in this millennium. It may also prove helpful in dispelling much confusion about the political accountability for suppression of the vote by the “Democratic” Party in the Deep South and throughout the United States today.
• 2020-01-20 • Dennis Jamison

• 2020-01-20 • News on the Net
Did Puerto Rico Politicians Keep Their People Waiting for Emergency Relief?
Puerto Rico residents are outraged after discovering that emergency relief aid sent by President Donald Trump in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria remained hidden in a warehouse for more than two years.
“People in a southern Puerto Rico city discovered a warehouse filled with water, cots and other unused emergency supplies, then set off a social media uproar Saturday when they broke in to retrieve goods as the area struggles to recover from a strong earthquake. (Associated Press, Jan. 19, 2020)
• 2020-01-20 • Judi McLeod
Antifa Will Pretend to be MAGA & NRA Advocates at Virginia 2nd Amendment Rally
The Internet is rife with rumors that antifa will march shoulder to shoulder with pro-gun protesters about to descend on Virginia’s capital tomorrow—including one claiming that it will be antifa activists wearing red MAGA caps and NRA garb this time.
If true, pro-gun protesters should take lots of pictures for uploading to the ‘Net during the event—because it will be the first time the anarchists appear anywhere without their signature masks:
• 2020-01-20 • Judi McLeod
Why is a Massive Wall Being built at the Los Angeles VA and Not at Our Southern Border?
Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans
Why is this massive wall being built at the Los Angeles VA and not at our southern border?
For more than three years, President Trump has been calling for a southern border wall to stop the influx of illegal immigrants into the USA.
• 2020-01-20 • Robert L. Rosebrock
“Hear Ye!" “Hear Ye!”: Impeach President Trump FOREVER

A dire, but likely conclusion of what will happen now that Progressives masquerading as Democrats have totally capsized everyday reality with high-drama street theatre and surrealism:
After frustrating the masses with every day LIVE coverage of the President Donald Trump ‘Impeachment Trial’, poisonous Pelosi will have the president arrested right in the Oval Office after first having him constrained in a strait jacket.
The strait jacket would be an added touch because the Democrats want to be able to repeat, “He’s crazy, you know!”
• 2020-01-20 • Judi McLeod
Whose future is most at stake in the Impeachment Trial?

The obvious answer is Donald J. Trump.
Trump Haters hope that, even when acquitted by the Senate, his reputation will be so tarnished that it will reduce his chances for reelection, and dishonor his legacy.
Or, at least, put the patina of failure on his first-term successes and bring him early lame-duck status in a second.
• 2020-01-20 • Lee Cary
The Movement vs. The Evil Empire
Donald Trump is at the head of a political crusade, a movement, one of the greatest in our history. Although Donald Trump is at the center, it is not completely about him. It is primarily a push to return to constitutional principles, away from the skulking and stealth of creeping communism and secularism. It is about smoke-filled rooms of evil oligarchs, from both political camps, demanding we live as they say, not as they do, and forcing open the doors to expose their treason and subversion. It is a movement of restoration and renewal.
• 2020-01-20 • Ray DiLorenzo
Obama Vs. Bernie
In November, Barack Obama paid a call on George Soros. After maintaining a low profile since leaving office, the former chosen one showed up at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Washington D.C. where the Democracy Alliance was having its annual conclave to decide how to destroy the United States.
After a long Friday afternoon of hearing from assorted minions, members of the Democracy Alliance, who had contributed at least $200,000 to be part of Soros’ real-life SPECTRE alliance, minus the white cat, trooped into the Grand Ballroom for a “fireside chat” before a private dinner with Valerie Jarrett.
And Obama had a simple message for the mandarins in the Mandarin Oriental who had spent fortunes to elect lefties and transform the country. “The average American doesn’t think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it,” he told his radical audience. And warned that the Democrat agenda should not be driven by “certain left-leaning Twitter feeds or the activist wing of our party.”
• 2020-01-20 • Daniel Greenfield
Canada remains only high-income universal health-care country to eschew private medical insurance
VANCOUVER—Every high-income country with universal health care allows private medical insurance to cover some necessary health-care costs, except Canada, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank.
Currently, the provinces prohibit or severely restrict the ability of Canadians to pay privately for medically necessary services in their efforts to comply with the Canada Health Act.
• 2020-01-20 • Fraser Institute
Gov. Ralph Northam Should Apologize To Virginia Gun Owners
BELLEVUE, WA – Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam should apologize to the thousands of gun owners who turned out Monday for their annual, and peaceful, Second Amendment rally, and to the thousands more his hysteria kept away, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.
“Following a peaceful gathering of law-abiding gun owners protesting the gun control extremism of Northam and his Democrat colleagues in the General Assembly,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb,” Gov. Northam should beg forgiveness from every Virginia resident his Chicken Little drama both offended and demonized over the past several days.
• 2020-01-20 • CCRKBA
I Love The Sound Of Patriotism With My Morning Coffee

• 2020-01-20 • Dag Barkley
The Taiwan Election, the Communist China Threat, & the Future of US-Taiwan Relations
Just what is the significance of the recent Taiwan elections, with incumbent president Tsai Ing Wen winning by a landslide? Why is Taiwan critical to the power balance in Asia?
In what ways has the Chinese Communist Party engaged in information warfare against Taiwan? How is the Chinese regime using similar tactics across the globe?
And, why is the Chinese communist regime fixated on conquering Taiwan? And how has the People’s Liberation Army been gearing up for it?
• 2020-01-20 • Epoch Times
Rosenstein Says He Authorized Release of Page–Strzok Text Messages
Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein authorized the Justice Department (DOJ) to release text messages between former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, according to a sworn statement by Rosenstein in a Jan. 17 court filing.
• 2020-01-20 • Epoch Times
KENYA: Christian Teachers Killed
Sources: Morning Star News, Christian Post, StarTribune, Daily Nation
Three Christian teachers were killed when suspected Al-Shabab terrorists attacked the town of Kamuthe in eastern Kenya during the early morning of January 13th. The teachers of a residential school were asleep in their staff housing when their room was raided. According to a surviving teacher who fled out the window, the local Somali Muslim teachers were separated from the non-locals, whom they presumed were Christians. One of the attackers reportedly said, “We cannot allow infidels to teach our children,” and then the three Christian men were shot to death.
• 2020-01-20 • Voice of Martyrs
Toward safer disposal of printed circuit boards
Printed circuit boards are vital components of modern electronics. However, once they have served their purpose, they are often burned or buried in landfills, polluting the air, soil and water. Most concerning are the brominated flame retardants added to printed circuit boards to keep them from catching fire. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering have developed a ball-milling method to break down these potentially harmful compounds, enabling safer disposal.
If true, pro-gun protesters should take lots of pictures for uploading to the ‘Net during the event—because it will be the first time the anarchists appear anywhere without their signature masks:
• 2020-01-20 • Judi McLeod
Why is a Massive Wall Being built at the Los Angeles VA and Not at Our Southern Border?

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans
Why is this massive wall being built at the Los Angeles VA and not at our southern border?
For more than three years, President Trump has been calling for a southern border wall to stop the influx of illegal immigrants into the USA.
• 2020-01-20 • Robert L. Rosebrock
“Hear Ye!" “Hear Ye!”: Impeach President Trump FOREVER

A dire, but likely conclusion of what will happen now that Progressives masquerading as Democrats have totally capsized everyday reality with high-drama street theatre and surrealism:
After frustrating the masses with every day LIVE coverage of the President Donald Trump ‘Impeachment Trial’, poisonous Pelosi will have the president arrested right in the Oval Office after first having him constrained in a strait jacket.
The strait jacket would be an added touch because the Democrats want to be able to repeat, “He’s crazy, you know!”
• 2020-01-20 • Judi McLeod
Whose future is most at stake in the Impeachment Trial?

The obvious answer is Donald J. Trump.
Trump Haters hope that, even when acquitted by the Senate, his reputation will be so tarnished that it will reduce his chances for reelection, and dishonor his legacy.
Or, at least, put the patina of failure on his first-term successes and bring him early lame-duck status in a second.
• 2020-01-20 • Lee Cary
The Movement vs. The Evil Empire
Donald Trump is at the head of a political crusade, a movement, one of the greatest in our history. Although Donald Trump is at the center, it is not completely about him. It is primarily a push to return to constitutional principles, away from the skulking and stealth of creeping communism and secularism. It is about smoke-filled rooms of evil oligarchs, from both political camps, demanding we live as they say, not as they do, and forcing open the doors to expose their treason and subversion. It is a movement of restoration and renewal.
• 2020-01-20 • Ray DiLorenzo
Obama Vs. Bernie

In November, Barack Obama paid a call on George Soros. After maintaining a low profile since leaving office, the former chosen one showed up at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Washington D.C. where the Democracy Alliance was having its annual conclave to decide how to destroy the United States.
After a long Friday afternoon of hearing from assorted minions, members of the Democracy Alliance, who had contributed at least $200,000 to be part of Soros’ real-life SPECTRE alliance, minus the white cat, trooped into the Grand Ballroom for a “fireside chat” before a private dinner with Valerie Jarrett.
And Obama had a simple message for the mandarins in the Mandarin Oriental who had spent fortunes to elect lefties and transform the country. “The average American doesn’t think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it,” he told his radical audience. And warned that the Democrat agenda should not be driven by “certain left-leaning Twitter feeds or the activist wing of our party.”
• 2020-01-20 • Daniel Greenfield
Canada remains only high-income universal health-care country to eschew private medical insurance
VANCOUVER—Every high-income country with universal health care allows private medical insurance to cover some necessary health-care costs, except Canada, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank.
Currently, the provinces prohibit or severely restrict the ability of Canadians to pay privately for medically necessary services in their efforts to comply with the Canada Health Act.
• 2020-01-20 • Fraser Institute
Gov. Ralph Northam Should Apologize To Virginia Gun Owners
BELLEVUE, WA – Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam should apologize to the thousands of gun owners who turned out Monday for their annual, and peaceful, Second Amendment rally, and to the thousands more his hysteria kept away, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.
“Following a peaceful gathering of law-abiding gun owners protesting the gun control extremism of Northam and his Democrat colleagues in the General Assembly,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb,” Gov. Northam should beg forgiveness from every Virginia resident his Chicken Little drama both offended and demonized over the past several days.
• 2020-01-20 • CCRKBA

The Taiwan Election, the Communist China Threat, & the Future of US-Taiwan Relations
Just what is the significance of the recent Taiwan elections, with incumbent president Tsai Ing Wen winning by a landslide? Why is Taiwan critical to the power balance in Asia?
In what ways has the Chinese Communist Party engaged in information warfare against Taiwan? How is the Chinese regime using similar tactics across the globe?
And, why is the Chinese communist regime fixated on conquering Taiwan? And how has the People’s Liberation Army been gearing up for it?
• 2020-01-20 • Epoch Times
Rosenstein Says He Authorized Release of Page–Strzok Text Messages
Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein authorized the Justice Department (DOJ) to release text messages between former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, according to a sworn statement by Rosenstein in a Jan. 17 court filing.
• 2020-01-20 • Epoch Times
KENYA: Christian Teachers Killed
Sources: Morning Star News, Christian Post, StarTribune, Daily Nation
Three Christian teachers were killed when suspected Al-Shabab terrorists attacked the town of Kamuthe in eastern Kenya during the early morning of January 13th. The teachers of a residential school were asleep in their staff housing when their room was raided. According to a surviving teacher who fled out the window, the local Somali Muslim teachers were separated from the non-locals, whom they presumed were Christians. One of the attackers reportedly said, “We cannot allow infidels to teach our children,” and then the three Christian men were shot to death.
• 2020-01-20 • Voice of Martyrs
Toward safer disposal of printed circuit boards
Printed circuit boards are vital components of modern electronics. However, once they have served their purpose, they are often burned or buried in landfills, polluting the air, soil and water. Most concerning are the brominated flame retardants added to printed circuit boards to keep them from catching fire. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering have developed a ball-milling method to break down these potentially harmful compounds, enabling safer disposal.
Kenya Facts
Profile of Persecution
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