Muchos cubanos de las ultimas generaciones, desconocen la Historia de Cuba, la del Primer producto nacional : EL AZUCAR en aquellos tiempos anteriores al 1959. La Historia del Central Azucarero Hershey es una de la s varias historias similares que ocurrieron en las epocas anteriores al 1959. No solo el Central o Ingenio Azucarero de Hershey , le dio toda clase de beneficios marginales a sus obreros o empleados, sino que cumplia con una de las CONQUISTAS SINDICALES MAS NOTABLES DE LA EPOCA ANTERIOR A CASTRO . En efecto, la CTC o Central Sindical Nacional, logro que las empresas azucareras dieran un BONO o suplemento añadido a los salarios devengados por los trabajadores y que se nutria de los beneficios logrados por las empresas azucareras por sus ventas anuales del azucar. ERA LO QUE SE LLAMO EN LOS MEDIOS SINDICALES CUBANOS : EL DIFERENCIAL AZUCARERO.
Cuban-American Sugar Co.
Born in Memphis, TN where he survived the Civil War years, Robert Bradley Hawley (1849-1921) moved to Galveston, TX in 1870 where he went into business as a merchant. In 1896 he became Galveston's first Republican congressman. After getting acquainted with the sugar business by having an ownership interest in the New Iberia Sugar Co. of Louisiana, Hawley's entrance in March 1899 into the North American expansion of the Cuban sugar industry marked its beginning.
The Cuban-American Sugar Co. was incorporated in New Jersey on July 26, 1899 after which it quickly moved to acquire the remains of two devastated sugar plantations; Francisco Plá's Central San Manuel and Antonio Mahiquez Central Chaparra, both in the Matanzas province. They would entrust Cornell graduate Engineer Gen. Mario Garcia Menocal (1866-1941) to design and build the Chaparra Sugar Mill at Puerto Padre, at the time the largest mill in the world. The Chaparra Sugar Co. was incorporated in New Jersey on October 18, 1899 with a capital of $1 million with R. B. Hawley as president, Frederick H. Howell as vicepresident and James H. Post as Treasurer. The Hawley interests also bought the only remaining sugar refinery remaining from the pre war for independence years.
At the same time that United Fruit Co. was making its first investment in Cuba in 1901, the newly incorporated Colonial Sugars Co. purchased the well known Central Constancia from the Apesteguía family backed by capital from Louisiana and the Illinois Central Railroad. A few years later, the Colonial Sugars Co. would be merged into the Cuban-American Sugar Co.
On September 19, 1906 the Cuban-American Sugar Co. was reincorporated in New Jersey as a $20 million holding company. Not only did it own all the otstanding shares of Chaparra but also those of five other mills totaling some 280,000 acres and producing about 546,000 bags of raw sugar annually.
In the Trust Agreement signed March 15, 1921 with the National City Bank of NY as Trustee for a US$10 million bond issue, the Cuban-American Sugar Co. listed ownership free and clear of all encumbrances of all the issued and outstanding shares of the following subsidiary companies, all of which were corporations organized under the laws of the State of New Jersey:
The Chaparra Sugar Company
Chaparra Railroad Company
San Manuel Sugar Company
The Tinguaro Sugar Company
Mercedita Sugar Company
The Cuban Sugar Refining Company
Colonial Sugars Company
In 1955, the Cuban-American Sugar co. was #497 on the Fortune 500 list of America's largest corporations.
The Cuban-American Sugar Co. was nationalized in August 1960 by the government of Fidel Castro.
ENLACES o sitios sobre este capitulo de LA INDUSTRIA AZUCARERA CUBANA
La batalla de Jesús Menéndez por el diferencial • Trabajadores › Noticias › Cuba
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Dec 13, 2015 - Menéndez instó a los trabajadores azucareros a defender esa conquista ... la batalla por el pago del diferencial azucarero, en la cual contó con el valioso ... por la Confederación Nacional Obrera de Cuba (CNOC), en 1934.
Missing: 1957 | Must include: 1957
ENLACES o sitios sobre este capitulo de LA INDUSTRIA AZUCARERA CUBANA
La batalla de Jesús Menéndez por el diferencial • Trabajadores › Noticias › Cuba
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Dec 13, 2015 - Menéndez instó a los trabajadores azucareros a defender esa conquista ... la batalla por el pago del diferencial azucarero, en la cual contó con el valioso ... por la Confederación Nacional Obrera de Cuba (CNOC), en 1934.
Missing: 1957 | Must include: 1957
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[PDF]El comercio azucarero cubano y la segunda guerra mundial › pdf
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by OZ Lecuona - 2009 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
regulacion de La industria azucarera cubana (Ciencias Sociales, .... como en las monografias especfficamente comerciaIes de Perez, Cuba, 1957, y Silva, Cuba, ......

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