Why is Cuba still having such number of miseries after 60 years
under the Castros rule ?
It is evident that the cuban dictatorial regime is going through another period of Economic distress, despite the many years of Economic help it was getting from Venezuela's government by the byass
getting a very cheap deal for its OIL supplies at a rate of over -- at first -- 100,000 or more, now reduced to 55,000 barrels daily.
How des the cuban regime pays for this OIL ?
The cuban regime has been paying to Venezuela with hundreds of cuban MDs doctors , school teachers and other of human resources sent from Cuba to help the Venezuelan Chavez regime and then to his successor Nicolas Maduro,
In exchange, the Castro regime has not only provided medicine and education to Venezuela but has also offered the experience of Cuban Intelligence or Security Police agents that helped keep both Chavez and now Maduro in power.
The deal was that Caracas used oil to pay for the services of the tens of thousands of Cuban medical personnel assigned to work in Venezuela. But the program, which at one point cost Venezuela more than $5 billion per year, also paid for Cuban assistance with intelligence and national security needs.
Despite this amount of revenues and its own ones, the cuban regime is , as it has been for all these last 60 years,depending of FOREIGN AID and such low prices in its importations as is was the case during the Soviet Union assistance and now Venezuela since the late 1990s.

Venezuela continues to supply Cuba with around 55,00 barrels of oil per day, costing the nation around $1.2 billion per year, an unthinkable generosity when 9 million Venezuelans are reporting that they can only afford to eat once a day.
For all these concepts or assistance to the Venezuelans the cuban regime has been getting $2,5 or more billions dollars every year from Venezuela.
Yet miseries cover the Cuban people like never before.And all over the population is suffering the scarcity of many of the essential consumer goods, foodstuff, medicines and services all of which has made the people desperate and to manifest their rage and frustrations on the streets .. for whomever wishes to listen to them...!

Why is that a nation with such a benign climate, almost 80% of its territory is made of fertile and workable lands can not suffice to produce and supply its population with most of the food staples, produce, fruits etc from those lands? And as if this wasn't enough, Cuba is surrounded by seas full of fish, sea food but the Cubans can hardly see the products of its surrounding seas at their own tables.
Just ask yourself why is this? When Cuba has a pretty strong fishing fleet going to the Caribbean, Atlantic and even as far as the coasts of Africa !!!

In what respects to food stuffs what the Cubans get is the second or third rate of everything the regime produces and most of it under the control of the State.which then export to many other nations the best parts of whatever they can produce.
But while the Venezuelan supermarkets shelves are empty Venezuelans too, are suffering scarcity or a total lack of goods, and in a contradiction to this scarcities , one can see a few Venezuelan agricultural products in foreign markets, Europe and North America.
All of this happens in countries that deprive their people from their rights to own private properties.
Countries like Cuba and Venezuela which had stolen productive properties such as farms, industrial plants and commercial ones from their true owners and destroyed their productions by installing in all of them State Administrators to run them.
The failures we can see in the huge majority of the cases and when one sees the populations are starving or lacking most of their foods needs and all kinds of consumer's goods.
The case of Cuba has been much more dramatic, because Cuba in the 1950 s was exporting several kinds of agrarian products like ,sugar ,cattle and meat, vegetables and fruits, tobacco, coffee alcohols, refined sugar, rum cacao,textiles,cement etc etc.
while at the same time sufficing the domestic or Cuban people's demands of all those products..
.....and then a HUGE DIFFERENCE SINCE CASTRO TOOK OVER and began rationing the population til this very same day.
How comes that the Cubans can not suffice themselves in their food needs but can produce and export to the foreign markets ?
The answer is very simple. he State run productive means are not sufficient and most of its products go to the foreign markets.
Also, in most cases there is the neglect, the incompetence and lack of incentives to the state workers in those farms, industrial plants or fishing fleets.
The most terrible and incredible things are that the same regime does not give a damn for what the population is going through.

Never before the Castros there has been such scenes of miseries, building in ruins or on the verge to collapse, streets full of mountains of garbage, terrible urban transportation conditions, lack of housing and rotten public services...
that only Cubans know about because they are the ones that have to deal with these miserable situations on a daily basis.
And when one sees all of these issues and WHY they are happening then one must ask the regime WHY it does not take action to change them ???
The answers are obvious too!!!!

VENEZUELA ,Output has continued to stagnate since the deals were signed, dropping to 1.46 million barrels per day in November from more than 2 million at the end of last year, according to OPEC figures, in a sign of the company’s struggles under military rule.
Venezuela - forced Cuba’s state-run oil company Cupet to cut operations at its 65,000-barrel-per-day Cienfuegos refinery, where Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA had a 49-percent stake until August. It only refined 24,000 bpd of crude last year, according to official numbers.
We delivered in 2017 three times 700,000 barrels, a total of 2.1 million barrels to Cuba,”
Omar Maaliou,
Sonatrach's vice president in charge of trade and marketing, told Reuters.Jan 10, 2018
Algeria sends more oil to Cuba as Venezuelan supplies fall
ALGIERS (Reuters) - Algeria sent 2.1 million barrels of crude oil to Cuba last year and will ship the same amount in 2018, an official at state energy firm Sonatrach said on Wednesday, helping Cuba to offset lower supplies from the island’s closest ally, Venezuela.
The island annually imports some $200 million to $300 million of oil products from the African country, including some purchases of naphtha.
Cuba has also been buying oil products from Russia’s Rosneft, which recently started talks with the Cuban government on exploring partnerships there.
Cuba, which produces extremely heavy crude used by industry and power plants, received 103,226 bpd of oil from Venezuela in the first half of 2015, according to the same data.
PDVSA, whose full name is Petroleos de Venezuela SA, did not reply to a request for comment.
Venezuela’s oil shipments to Cuba have been falling since 2008, when they peaked at 115,000 bpd mainly due to a decline in crude exports. The poor shape of Venezuelan refineries cut into fuel exports this year, and Venezuela has also had to boost fuel imports to meet domestic demand.
Even though Venezuala's Economy is failing and in spite of this the government will not sacrifice oil subsidies to Cuba due to its commitment to the socialist alliance. maduro's regime won't stop subsiding Cuba because Cuba supplies Maduro the repressive experienced security agents he needs to survive.
For Cuba, the fall of Maduro would be a huge blow.
According to a Reuters report, PDVSA has resumed supplying oil to the island; an amount that this year has totalled 11.74 million barrels – about 49,000 a day. What’s more, between June and August this reached 4.19 millions
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