Obama made cult bullying of non cultural marxists ok. It made his supporters feel good!
Cult bullying cleverly disguised!
1) Barack Obama knew that The Little Sisters of the Poor do unstinting charity work amongst the most needy.
Barack Obama knew that, personally.
And regardless, he instructed his administration to rewrite executive regulations nine separate times to ensure these nuns be forced to either violate their conscience by helping distribute abortifacients, or be fined $70 million a year and out of existence.
Their beliefs, their ministry, their cause, and even the incredible work that they do was secondary to President Barack Obama’s devotion to funding and expanding the destruction of infants with tax dollars.
The President’s own lawyers admitted in court that there were compromises available that would have met their objectives while sparing the Sisters’ consciences.
But President Obama refused.
Using the coercive power of the state to compel nuns to pay for abortion drugs became an issue of pride for this small man.
2) "One state college rejected a Christian student, saying the medical “field is not the place for religion.”
3) In another of our cases, a college student was denied admission because he “brought up religion.”
This isn’t just outrageous; it’s blatantly unconstitutional.
Right now we’re in federal court to address this issue. But disturbingly anti-Christian discrimination is growing nationwide.
4) One university student was expelled for her faith, another was told to defile the name of Jesus, and another was failed for refusing to agree that Christianity is false."
5) Democrats bullied States to overthrow traditional marriage laws voted on by electors.Democrats bullied NUNS to pay for contraception & abortions!
6) Democrats bullied Christians of conscience wanting to opt out of participation in SSM.
7) Democrat academics bullied students with false rape accusations not given due process.
8) Democrats bullied girls & women not wanting to share bathrooms with guys.
Democrats coopted a mass of sycophantic biased mainstream media & celebrities in their bully cult binge to bash all dissenters.
The venomous spite of insolent cult bullies who hate losing is flooding all mainstream & social media 24x7 with a barrage of hate for Trump & his supporters.
Obama jabs Trump: says his administration ‘didn’t have scandals’
Obama jabs Trump: says his administration ‘didn’t have scandals’
By Robert Laurie
Obama jabs Trump: says his administration 'didn't have scandals'
Obama has once again repeated his claim that his administration was scandal free. So, off the top of my head…
IRS targeting, passing Obamacare based on the ‘ignorance of the American people,Hillary’s email server, ‘lost & found’ DOJ and IRS communications,
YouTube video, OPM data breach, ‘you can keep your doctor,’
Susan Rice lies,Veterans Affairs deaths,Solyndra, bail out and then ..bankcrupt ?
Secret cash to Iran, $400 millions?
Wiretapping AP reporters, Hezbollah cocaine shipments,
FBI spying on Trump, Trump tower wiretaps,
Biden groping everyone’s kids,
Loretta Lynch Bill Clinton Tarmac Meeting with Bill Clinton ,
‘Matter’ vs ‘investigation,’
Hillary allowed to dodge charges,
Syrian Red Line, under Nobama watch
Arab Spring, Handling of the “JV Team,”
Why nobama took out of sight Churchill Bust ?
Illegal war in Libya,
Clock Boy, ‘acted stupidly,’
and trading Taliban terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl.

Demagoguery has a new name : Obama...
In his eloquent speech, He must have rehearsed a lot for that speech delivery and some one else wrote most of it. Yet , he does not give nothing substantial but promises, and plays a lot with the hopes of the people in general, it all resembles much to the speeches during the past elections of 2008. It is always easy to promote ideas, hopes promises. And that relates most of the time to demagoguery . Exemples are abundant in recent History.
In many nations of the world some leaders did play that kind of game, demagoguery and promised lots of good things to the people. At the end of it all , like Hitler's Germany it all finished by destruction , caos and suffering for millions and more millions of people. Many of those who are inspired by the socialists and the lefttists ideas --which are ennemy of Freedom and Democracy -- as it has been seen everywhere they got to power, will associate themselves to this Mr. Obama ,but not for what he says or makes believe he is or wish, but because Obama plays into their own game or agenda by presenting himself as a socialist. No a single of the socialist in History has ever shown to be sincere and honest to the principles they claim to defend. Yet they have used that phylosophy for personal advancement and profit of the means to revenge from the rich, the bourgeois or the the whole society as it was the case of Pot Pol...or that woman who said once : I have never felt proud of this country...! If you dear readers do not believe me...ask the Eastern Europeans about it...or any cuban who fled Castro's gulag what it means to be under the stranglehold of repressive dictators claiming they are socialists...! Yet in the recent manifestations in favor of Obama, people could be seen with Castro's face or Che's on T-shirts... Two or three generations before it might have been those images of Stalin, or Mao...and this...says it all.!!!
Obama is taking also credit for things that were started before his presidency and obviating on the facts that the wars were approved by all the Congress plus most of the american people at the moments of the September 11th's events.That the killing of Osama Bin Laden was a long process of tracking and hunting Osama Bin Laden, long before he even dreamt off to be the president. These are just two of the many exemples of the lies he had told in this last speech. On the crucial situation created by the Finantial Crisis, he is also twisting the facts and lies about his performance in thes two past years. There is nothing that was really achieved except for creating the hugest debt in history ofr the United States of America that places the nation in a critical situation fnantially and politically speaking. yet he is still proposing more debt to cope with the rest of the crisis and the menace of another deep recession.
He also lied about the jobs creations...americans have heard him, have seen and felt it all along these last two years, yet this guy has had the nerve to say that under his admin. he has created hundreds of thousands of new jobs, all of which is a lie.The rate of un employment instead of diminishing has grown up or increased slightly aong this very same year.What to say of demagogues like this ? That american should vote for him and his comrades ?Only enraged resentful and jealous persons of the successes of other can feel they crave to vote for a fake and demagogue like Mr. Obama.
America does not need vague illusions of hopes, America needs to recover from the troubling days she is going through and for the last few years with the pragmatical and common sense that has been the essence and spirit of the people sinceits foundation. CUBASIKASTRONO

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