
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pants Down, Fly Open Photo of Justin Trudeau Resurfaces


Pants Down, Fly Open Photo of  P.M. Justin Trudeau Resurfaces.!
In answer to this morning’s Drudge Report question in red over a picture of Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wearing a Brownface to a 2001 ‘Arabian Night’ Party while he taught at a private school, ‘Justin, Is That You?’
Yes, unfortunately it really is.
And though mega attention is focused on the Trudeau photo TIME dragged out of obscurity, that’s also Justin Trudeau pictured with his pants down and fly open from a February, 1992 Montreal Gazette story, headlined the ‘Buttony doo-dah’.
 •  2019-09-18  •  Judi McLeod
Reflecting on the Imminent Dangers to the Republic on Constitution Day
Reflecting on the Imminent Dangers to the Republic on Constitution Day
Today is Constitution Day, and if one considers what has happened in the United States since the beginning of the new millennium, it is amazing that the U.S.Constitution still stands. America has been attacked by foreign and domestic enemies again and again. Just last week, Americans remembered the anniversary of the 9/11 tragedies and commemorated Patriot Day to honor those brave men and women who risked their lives for the sake of others on September 11, 2001. And since Americans annually celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution on September 17th, these two days are forever entwined on the calendar. But there is a deeper significance that binds these two days of remembrance.
 •  2019-09-18  •  Dennis Jamison
Motivations Behind and Beyond Global Warming / Climate Change
Motivations Behind and Beyond Global Warming/Climate Change
Changing America to save the planet is essentially what all of the Democrat Presidential candidates are urging young Americans to embrace while also actively encouraging the implementation of the proposed “Green New Deal”; a bold plan created to help them achieve that goal. The concept that climate change will destroy the earth has the support of the media and both Democrats and Republicans alike.
The global warming mantra starts with a statement agreed to by all scientists, that man burns fossil fuels which produce CO2. The rest of the doctrine is the subject of intense disagreement. Global warming promoters go on to say that CO2 is the leading cause of the greenhouse effect, which ultimately causes global temperatures to rise. And so because of man, the earth is increasingly getting warmer, more so now than at any other time in its history.
 •  2019-09-18  •  Rick Hayes
Bibi in Trouble?
Bibi in Trouble?
Netanyahu may have to master the art of the deal to stay in power.
Unless he convinces Israeli lawmakers from outside his party to join him in a national unity government, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s 10-and-a-half-year run in office may soon end following inconclusive results inhis country’s parliamentary elections this week that appeared to deprive him of a governing majority in the Knesset.
President Donald Trump took a hands-off approach when asked about the elections in America’s foremost ally in the Middle East.
 •  2019-09-18  •  Matthew Vadum

Fox News’ Cunning ‘Contributor’ Donna Brazile
Fox News’ Cunning ‘Contributor’ Donna Brazile
Cue up the sound of doleful violins: Poor former DNC chairwoman and Fox News contributor Donna Brazile said that she gets in “trouble” with people on the Left when she refuses to call President Trump a racist.
Poor Donna Brazile, who gets to use Number One Cable News network, Fox News as her ongoing soap box.
Seems that everyone but Fox knew where Brazile was coming from when at CNN she passed presidential debate questions to Crooked Hillary Clinton back in 2016.
Related: Wolf Donna Brazile Arrives in the Fox House
 •  2019-09-18  •  Judi McLeod
The Zinns of Revised History
The Zinns of Revised HistoryElementary school students learn their first version of history from their College of Education-licensed teachers. Some deliberately change historical facts to match their social engineering agenda, or are too ignorant and lazy to research on their own and thus do not care what damage they inflict on their charges as long as nobody gets physically hurt while in their care and everybody has breakfast, preferably at taxpayer expense. Once their minds are made up, nothing can change their reality—it becomes the solid rock chiseled by water over millennia.
 •  2019-09-18  •  Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
The Israeli Election and Liberman’s Conditions
The Israeli Election and Liberman’s ConditionsThe Israeli elections on September 18, 2019 proved one thing. Not only is Israel the only democracy in the Middle East, it is also a global democracy on steroids.
The elections results showed the benefits—but mainly the faults of a multi-party electoral system.
The race started with 31 hopeful parties. At the end of the voting process Israel was left with nine political parties winning seats in the 22nd Knesset.
 •  2019-09-18  •  Barry Shaw
Maxime Bernier to Join Leaders’ Debates
Speaking with reporters in Saint John, N.B., People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier is expected to comment on an invitation from the Leaders’ Debates Commission to take part in its federal leaders’ debates, scheduled for October 7 and October 10. The commission announced in August that Bernier did not meet their criteria to join the debates. They have now reversed their decision based on additional information submitted by the People’s Party.
 •  2019-09-18  •  News on the Net
Arctic and Antarctica sea ice 7, ships of fools 0
Erofey Schkvarkin, clearly has a sense of humor. He says: “Something is very wrong with Arctic ice. Instead of melting as ordered by UN/IPCC, it captured the ship with Climate Change Warriors.”
Arctic Sea Ice Stops Another Ship With Climate Change WarriorsArctic tours ship MS MALMO with 16 passengers on board got stuck in ice on Sept 3 off Longyearben, Svalbard Archipelago, halfway between Norway and the North Pole. The ship was on an Arctic tour with a climate change documentary film team, and tourists, concerned with climate change and melting Arctic ice. All 16 climate change warriors were evacuated by helicopter in challenging conditions, all are safe. Seven crew remain on board, waiting for Coast Guard assistance.1
 •  2019-09-18  •  Jack Dini
It’s Not Central Park’s All Male Statues Causing The Big Flight From Gotham
It’s Not Central Park’s All Male Statues Causing The Big Flight From GothamIt’s not denuding the Big Apple’s Central Park of male statues making room for female ones on which the Public Design Commission should be spending its time, but how to keep droves of live people from fleeing New York by day.
“The city’s monument “men” are in peril. (New York Post, Sept. 16, 2019)
 •  2019-09-18  •  Judi McLeod
Desperado Democrats Punked By Their Own Media Surrogates
Desperado Democrats Punked By Their Own Media SurrogatesThe New York Times tossed a mouldy “bombshell” bone out to the drooling-for-revived-scandals Democrats on Friday. Like ravenous wolves presidential hopefuls Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke, Cory Booker, and Julian Castro, among others seized upon the bone as if it were their last meal, which unbeknownst to them most likely was.
Their cry to “Impeach Kavanaugh!” was soon overshot by an 11th-hour ‘update’ from the New York Times, including that they missed the significant detail that several friends of the alleged victim in their bombshell story said she did not recall the supposed sexual assault in question at all.
 •  2019-09-18  •  Judi McLeod
Policymakers must consider automatic policy responses to recessions—EI benefits increased by nearly $5 billion in 2009
Policymakers must consider automatic policy responses to recessions—EI benefits increased by nearly $5 billion in 2009
VANCOUVER—Regular employment insurance benefits (excluding special benefits such as maternity benefits) automatically increased by nearly $5 billion in 2009 during the last recession in response to increasing unemployment, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank.
“When unemployment increases, as it does during recessions, employment insurance benefits increase automatically, without policymakers in Ottawa crafting a new policy in response to the economic downturn,” said Jake Fuss, Fraser Institute economist and co-author of Fiscal Policy and Recessions: A Primer on Automatic Stabilizers.
 •  2019-09-18  •  Fraser Institute
Celebrating Constitution Day
Celebrating Constitution DayWASHINGTON, D.C.—Today we celebrate Constitution Day – the day the Founding Fathers signed the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.
Constitution Day, once known as Citizenship Day, commemorates the U.S. Constitution. On this day in 1787, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time to sign the document they had created. The original states, except Rhode Island, collectively appointed 70 individuals to the Constitutional Convention. In all, 55 delegates attended the Constitutional Convention sessions, but only 39 actually signed or were able to sign the Constitution. The delegates ranged in age from Jonathan Dayton, 26, to Benjamin Franklin, 81, who had to be carried to sessions in a sedan chair.
Many of the delegates involved in writing the Constitution credit God for that document. For example:
 •  2019-09-18  •  Liberty Counsel
Conservatives get it right with universal tax cut pledge
The Conservatives’ announcement of a straightforward, broad-based cut to the lowest income tax bracket rate by 1.25 percentage points will come as music to the ears of cash-strapped Canadians.
For a two-income household, it works out to savings of up to $850 per year. There’s no loopholes, no carve-outs, no fine print. If you pay income taxes, under the Conservative plan, you’re going to have more money in your pocket. Full stop.
 •  2019-09-18  •  Canadian Taxpayers Federation
Reflecting on the Imminent Dangers to the Republic on Constitution Day
Reflecting on the Imminent Dangers to the Republic on Constitution Day
Today is Constitution Day, and if one considers what has happened in the United States since the beginning of the new millennium, it is amazing that the U.S.Constitution still stands. America has been attacked by foreign and domestic enemies again and again. Just last week, Americans remembered the anniversary of the 9/11 tragedies and commemorated Patriot Day to honor those brave men and women who risked their lives for the sake of others on September 11, 2001. And since Americans annually celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution on September 17th, these two days are forever entwined on the calendar. But there is a deeper significance that binds these two days of remembrance.
 •  2019-09-18  •  Dennis Jamison
Aphid-stressed pines show different secondary organic aerosol formation
Aphid-stressed pines show different secondary organic aerosol formation
Plants emit gases, called volatile organic compounds (VOCs), that enter the atmosphere, where they can interact with other natural and human-made molecules to form secondary organic aerosols (SOAs). These tiny, suspended particles influence atmospheric processes, such as cloud formation and sunlight scattering. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Earth and Space Chemistry have shown that aphid-infested Scots pine trees produce a different mixture of VOCs than healthy plants, which then leads to different SOAs.
Plant species emit a wide variety of VOCs, including terpenoids, benzenoids and plant stress compounds, and the mixture can change with environmental conditions, such as temperature, drought or insect outbreaks. Very few studies have examined SOA production from the full range of VOCs made by plants under different conditions, in particular, insect outbreaks that could become more prevalent in a changing climate.
 •  2019-09-18  •  American Chemical Society
A chameleon-inspired smart skin changes color in the sun
Some creatures, such as chameleons and neon tetra fish, can alter their colors to camouflage themselves, attract a mate or intimidate predators. Scientists have tried to replicate these abilities to make artificial “smart skins,” but so far the materials haven’t been robust. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Nano have taken a page from the chameleon’s playbook to develop a flexible smart skin that changes its color in response to heat and sunlight.
 •  2019-09-18  •  American Chemical Society
Canada Free Press Daily Mailout

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