
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dems Bet It All on a Telephone Call Transcript

Tuckered Out By What Is Passing As ”NEWS”
Tuckered Out By What Is Passing As NEWSHow many out there are plain tuckered out by what is passing for “NEWS”?
Many in the masses have been that way ever since the Democrats began calling all blowhards out to the ‘Screech ‘Impeach!’ campaign.
Notice how it wasn’t “NEWS” when former vice president, now bumbling 2020 presidential hopeful Joe Biden openly threatened to, then had fired a Ukrainian prosecutor, who was investigating his son Hunter Biden’s potentially corrupt conduct and the company that paid him—but became top “NEWS” when President Donald Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to check it out?
 •  2019-09-25  •  Judi McLeod
Dems Bet It All on a Telephone Call Transcript
Dems Bet It All on a Telephone Call Transcript,A day after Democrats vowed to open a formal impeachment inquiry, President Trump dropped a bombshell Sept. 25 by releasing the transcript of a conversation he had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Trump’s enemies insist is the smoking gun that should drive him from office.
That the impeachment push is an attempt to placate the Democrats’ increasingly affective Antifa-loving base and probably also a tactic to direct attention away from the at least questionable dealings in Ukraine of Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden and his cokehead grifter son, Hunter, have barely been mentioned in the media. The media is promoting the theory – based on an anonymous “whistleblower” complaint - that Trump tried to enlist a foreign government to help him in the 2020 election, even though Department of Justice lawyers have already issued an opinion that Trump’s conversation did not constitute a violation of U.S. campaign laws.
 •  2019-09-25  •  Matthew Vadum

The Corrupt Conniver Behind Joe ‘The Bumbler’ Biden
The Corrupt Conniver Behind Joe ‘The Bumbler’ BidenThe up-against-it desperate Democrat Party needs to Impeach President Donald Trump. Democrats need to “IMPEACH TRUMP!” to save Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.
With the help of top Democrats, the mainstream and social media have tried to con the masses by morphing Biden into a somewhat pathetic, bumbling, stumbling gaffe maker; a 2020 presidential hopeful continuously confused about dates and places, a septuagenarian once noteworthy for going about groping women and girls and smelling their hair.
 •  2019-09-25  •  Judi McLeod
The Humanitarian Hoax of Zero Population Growth (ZPG)
The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.
The Humanitarian Hoax series has discussed the Humanitarian Hoax of GlobalismThe Humanitarian Hoax of SocialismThe Humanitarian Hoax of Climate ChangeThe Humanitarian Hoax of Climate Change IIThe Riddle of Climate Change, and the Humanitarian Hoax of the United Nations. Now it is time to examine the Humanitarian Hoax of Zero Population Growth and see how these hoaxes are all connected.
 •  2019-09-25  •  Linda Goudsmit

President Trump Delivers Hard Truths to UN General Assembly
President Trump Delivers Hard Truths to UN General AssemblyUnited Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ speech to the 74th annual High-Level General Assembly meeting on September 24th was full of generalities about world problems the UN is purporting to deal with, in contrast to President Trump’s honest discussion of hard truths.
“We are here to advance the common good while upholding our shared humanity and values,” the secretary general said. “That vision united the founders of our Organization.” However, Secretary General Guterres’ concept of the UN “vision” today is of a globalist institution, which was not the founders’ original vision at all. The founders’ vision for a new United Nations was much closer to the one that President Trump has articulated. The United Nations was founded to bring sovereign nations together for the purpose of cooperating in the solution of common problems and taking collective action where warranted against aggressors’ threats to international peace and security. The United Nations Charter specifically recognizes the sovereign status of the member states. It stipulates that the United Nations does not have the authority “to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state.”
 •  2019-09-25  •  Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist
Finally the Right Prescription for Runaway Drug Prices
Finally the Right Prescription for Runaway Drug PricesFor as long as most of us can remember we have paid substantially higher prices for prescription drugs than the citizens of other countries. In Congress, there’ve been endless speeches about the skyrocketing cost of medicine for American patients, especially senior citizens. And every election cycle there are campaign promises from both the Republicans and the Democrats who talk and talk but they’ve never done anything about it.
Until now that is. President Donald Trump continues his revolutionary idea of actually trying to fulfill his promises.
 •  2019-09-25  •  Dr. Robert R. Owens
God Isn’t Welcome At The UN And Hasn’t Been For A Long, Long Time
Before yesterday when President Donald Trump invoked it, when was the last time you ever heard the name of the Creator at the United Nations?
God having been driven from the UN, the children’s classroom and the Public Square, the president’s address yesterday was like a breath of fresh air wafting through the bureaucracy’s staid and stale Manhattan headquarters.
God’s name is anathema at the UN as it is in much of the secular world the UN now controls.
 •  2019-09-25  •  Judi McLeod

White Supremacy Myth in Light of the War of Values
White Supremacy Myth in Light of the War of ValuesAs Americans celebrated Constitution Day, or didn’t acknowledge it, the ignorance of the Constitution should be a loud alarm bell resounding throughout the nation in 2019. The ignoring it, or the clueless disconnect from it will yield the same outcome. On the threshold of an election year, citizens may want to seriously consider the value they place in the foundations laid in the past, as foundations for America’s future. The New York Times is busily spinning deception via their 1619 Project, in hopes that it will perpetuate new spin on the old myth. Citizens who care about a future built upon the foundational documents may want to determine how much they are willing to tolerate deception and distortion of truth.
In light of the words of the Declaration of Independence, the United States is once again going through a period of judgment, and many cannot recognize it. Words mean a lot. And, the fact that words are used to confuse and manipulate people from the family to the world level is extremely significant. The fact that word choice is used to shape the public political debate and the political paradigms that frame public perception is extremely significant. The fact that there is an ideological war being waged in America and throughout the world is extremely significant. But, America is quite self-insulated against such a war at present.
 •  2019-09-25  •  Dennis Jamison
Canada Free Press Daily Mailout

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